Zacchaeus in the Tree!

December 11, 2015 Off By shbcadmin

When I was little, we use to sing a song that had the lyrics, Zacchaeus was a wee little, and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see. I’ve read the story in the Bible numerous times. Every time I’ve read it, I always focused on the people involved-Zacchaeus and Jesus. I never gave a thought about the tree. Centuries before Zacchaeus was even born, God saw Zacchaeus’ need and that need was a tree. God planted that tree and then nurtured it over the years until the day it was needed. God” provided” the provision before Zacchaeus even knew he needed it. Whatever need you have today, take comfort in the knowledge that the same God who provided the tree for Zacchaeus is working on your behalf. (Jeremy Mitchell)