Who Are You!?

July 31, 2017 Off By shbcadmin

Be who God wants you to BE, not what others want to SEE. Many years ago, a person wanted me to go to a place where I was very uncomfortable. Eventually, they talked me into going. But when I got there, I was so miserable and looking at the people in that particular place made me so incredibly sad, I could hardly stand it. The other day, I found myself thinking about that experience and asking God why I was so sad instead of enjoying myself like everybody else. His answer: That’s not who I created you to be. Even back then, before you walked with Me, something I placed in you let you know it wasn’t the real “you”…it was who the world wanted to SEE. Today, I am so thankful that even when I didn’t follow Him the way I should, He had already placed His blueprint for my life inside my heart.