So todays little paragraph is going to be on STRESS. After reading alot of verses in Psalms last night, Ive decided that David had panic attacks, was on stress overload and freaked out ALOT. Psalms 4:1, he asks God to give him peace from all his distress, Psalms 61:2 When I am overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Pslams 119:153 Take a good look at my trouble and help me. Psalms 118: When in distress I called upon the Lord to set me in a higher place.
Yes, I do believe David identified with anxiety. Next, he trusted. He trusted that God was faithful to his promises, faithful to take care of him and deliver him. He knew he had to keep his eyes on God and NOT the problems.
He didnt question but believed. In Psalms 100, he praised. He praised God for what he was going to bring him thru even tho he hadnt done it yet and thanked God for the things he had already done. It’s so very, very easy to let worries about money, health issues, job issues, our kids etc….just totally overtake us and just make us one big mess and not see the small blessings everyday. I think I need to be more like David!! :-)) (Debi Camp)
Psalms 34:10 “Those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing.”