Shut the Door

November 1, 2015 Off By shbcadmin

Do you remember the verse in Galatians 5:7 that says “You did run well; Who did hinder you?” Just because we’re growing in our Christian faith, it doesn’t mean we can let our guard down. When trouble comes knocking on our door, THEN we’ll find out just how much we’ve really grown! We will find ourselves face to face with some difficult decisions. And just when we think we’ve run “past our old sin”, the enemy will use someone or some “thing” to draw us back into our same old mess. Those things are called triggers. It can be something as simple as a smell, a song, a thought, a certain laugh and once that trigger goes off, it throws us back to the “past sin”. The bad part is that the enemy has a way of making that sin look so very good. He leaves off the part where we crashed and burned the first time. Once he gets the hook back in our minds, then he’ll tell us to go ahead! Who would know? It would be your little secret. Listen folks, what’s done in the dark is revealed in the light. When we hide our sins they don’t stay hidden very long. They start showing up in our actions, our words, our choices. Just because trouble is knocking doesn’t mean we have to let it in! Sometimes we forget that life is a journey. Just because we make huge mistakes doesn’t mean that we don’t learn from them. Every time we learn from a past mistake and refuse to go there again, we’ve grown! And every time we grow, we are becoming more and more Christ like. Keep up the good work and don’t open the door to trouble!