Rage Be Gone!

March 23, 2017 Off By shbcadmin

Rage, the silent killer…it kills dreams, lives, relationships, job opportunities. Rage that’s tucked down so deep inside, we don’t even want to admit we have it. This may surprise you, but those who know us well know exactly what’s brewing under the surface. It’s just a matter of time before something crosses our path that angers us or offends us…then here comes the rage spewing all over everything and everybody. Then we have to either pretend like it didn’t happen or go about apologizing. It’s an exhausting way to live. It’s time…time to ask God to show you the root of your anger and rage…it can be insecurity, a control issue, failure to get what you want or feel entitled to… and the list goes on and on. When you see what’s causing the problem, then God can begin the healing process