Philippians 4:13
I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13 has been my favorite verse for a number of years now. I quote it all the time, whether I am going to an important meeting or trying to hold a plank for longer than 45 seconds. (Ok, 30 seconds.) I realized this morning that I have to believe that verse for everything. I can believe that He can heal. I can profess that I am healed. I can walk on the path He Himself set before me to walk. I can speak positive things. I can smile when I don’t feel like it. I can answer in a Godly manner when someone asks how my day is going. I can be a light. I CAN. No matter what the world does or says, I (say it with me) I CAN do ALL things through Him. He heals, provides and does so much more in the everyday situations you face. (Sara Wylie)