No Distractions
Have you ever been rolling along serving God, doing what you know to do and suddenly you find yourself distracted by the things of the world? Your walk with God seems to take a back seat. In Galatians 5 it says some pretty powerful words “You did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” I wonder how many of us know that if the enemy can’t STOP us from serving God, He will DISTRACT us from the things of His kingdom. What kind of distractions? Anything that gets our mind off of God and onto the things of this world. We may be doing exactly what God wants and suddenly we get a call from someone asking us to get involved in another area. That’s a distraction. Or maybe you get caught up in someone else’s drama. Yes, another distraction. You may even be asked to do something that’s a good thing. But good things are not always God things. They may be just another way the enemy can slow you down. Here’s a thought: Satan’s assignment is to use distractions to keep us from reaching our destiny. Before the beginning of time, God placed a destiny inside each one of us. He had a plan and a purpose to take us through this world causing us to have impact on those around us. I have the feeling that some of the greatest kingdom movers and shakers will have never been known to man. They were reaching out in love, praying for the lost and remembering the words of Jesus “if you do it to the least of these, you’ve done it to Me.”