More of God
Years ago, I remember telling Jerry that I just wished I had more of God in my life. His answer wasn’t what I expected! He said, “Melissa, you have as much of God as you want right now”. Well, I thought about that and he was right. I SAID I wanted more, but honestly, I was the queen of procrastination when it came to God. I also had a list of excuses (I like to call them reasons) why I couldn’t spend time with God: Someday…when I have more time, when the kids are grown, when my job isn’t so demanding, when sport’s season is over, when I retire, when tomorrow gets here! Funny thing, tomorrow never came, but God did. I started to feel a stirring in my spirit. In Psalm 42, it says” As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” God was stirring a hunger and a thirst inside me that I couldn’t deny. Then I had a choice to make…stay in my “rut” or throw out my excuses and realize that I was the only one who could move God to the center of my life. I’d “added” Him on for years, conveniently keeping Him on the shelf until an emergency came along! Hopefully you’re not like I was BUT if you are, this might be the day to ask God to start stirring a hunger in you! I was amazed at how my life changed when I realized I was never alone! He was with me, strengthening me, changing me, walking me through the hard things of life and the best part….I discovered this amazing God loves me more than I can ever imagine! And without fail, He brings me the gift of joy and peace each and every day!