Let’s Get Salty
“You are the salt of the earth”…so Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:13. Salt…a small or course grainy white substance that our bodies need to function internally. Let’s consider how salt is used: a “drawing” agent i.e.; draws out infection, impurities and toxins. A “cleansing” agent…mmm…a little mild abrasive, an irritant to remove the uncleanliness. A “healing” agent to bond and strengthen. A “preserving” agent to prevent spoil and rotting. A “flavoring” agent that enhances flavor to nourishment we take in, it “draws” water (moisture) and “melts” snow in the cold of winter; as well as making one “thirst”. This translates….that we…as Jesus’ followers that we are to “draw” others to him by the “power” he invested in us as disciples; the “Holy Spirit”….“Come….follow me”!!! Once you get that “taste” of the Lord’s goodness…you will thirst and hunger for more…and more! COME…COME…just as you are! The “Light”; (referring to Matthew 5:14) and the “Salt” has the POWER to transform YOU…just as it has me…from the inside out! Just as fruit may not reveal the decay taking place around the seed to the outward appearance until much later. The fruit’s decay…rots… to a bad taste and is wastes away. Don’t let that happen to you! Remember, God sees the inside…the heart of what is working on the inside…that the world cannot. Fruit may look “picture perfect” pretty and firm on the outside but its inside flesh is what really counts; not the covering. The external may be injected with harmful dyes, chemicals to enhance color and appearance; a little wax for shine. So think about it…but not for long! COME NOW…we have much to learn and much work to do…as “Salt and Light” of the earth!!! Jesus is coming soon! The “LIGHT OF THE WORLD” will expose all things…let him find your “light” shining and being “salty”! Gayle Harrell