Keep on Walking

May 20, 2016 Off By shbcadmin


Nobody likes to hear criticism because it stings! Whether it’s constructive or destructive, it’s unpleasant. It reminds us that we make mistakes and just flat out aren’t perfect. We knew it but we don’t want the whole world to know it. However we need to realize that in order for us to be all that God calls us to be, we are going to face all kinds of reactions from people. Some will love us and some won’t. Some will be nice and some won’t. One of the biggest hurtles we have to overcome in life is wanting everybody to love us and approve of what we’re doing. Here’s the bad news! You can’t please all of the people all of the time. A very wise man once gave me some very valuable advice. He said, “Melissa, when people tell you that you’re great, keep on walking. And when people tell you that you’re awful, keep on walking.” I’ve remembered those words through the years and how true they are! If you can do that, you can stay balanced. Lean too far one way and you’ll fall into pride. Go the other way and depression will set in. Neither one will get you where God wants you to go. So I’m passing on this advice, just keep on walking! Now the Bible tells us a really good place to walk. In Psalm 116:9 it says: “And so I walk in the Lord’s presence as I live here on earth.” What a wonderful place to be, tucked in next to God. When we realize that our value comes from Him, we won’t be looking to people expecting them to make us feel good. You and I were created to do amazing things for God every day. Make sure you don’t get bogged down with crazy comments from people who just feel the need to pull you backwards. We all do much better in forward motion!