Just Believe
When the disciples asked Jesus how they could do the works of God, He said their work was to BELIEVE on Him. The kingdom of God just doesn’t make sense to us. Too much of the time, we want to DO the things of God instead of BE with the One who loves us dearly, building a relationship where we sit and hear his directions before we jump and run! As we sit with Him and He begins to reveal where He’s working, that’s when we need to bump our believing to “expecting”! Faith walks ahead of what it can see with the natural eye. Faith moves into excitement knowing that what we’re believing for is on the way. It’s great to believe God and then move to a place where you start to expect! You’re watching and waiting for the answer to appear! When I order a pizza, I have faith that it’s going to be delivered in a short amount of time. Once I place that order, then I move to “expectation”. I’m at the window, turning on the porch light, watching like a hawk. I HAVE even been known to chase down the driver when he missed my drive, flagging him down with arms flailing like a crazy woman. I think God is looking for people who will chase Him down like the driver of the pizza car! Is that you? His words to us are simple. Believe Me! That sounds easy but we seem to make it hard. It’s probably hard for us because we are a “doing” people instead of a “being” people…can you sit with Jesus this week? Can you just quiet your heart and think of His greatness? The Word says in Psalm 46:10…”Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Take some time this week to do just that!