Get Closer to God
During the storm the other night, my little dog Chewy came looking for me. She jumped up in bed and shook like a leaf. But I know her routine. After about 15 minutes of shaking, she will walk over my head and pillows and crawl under the covers. Then she will back up against me and touch me..but she won’t let Me touch HER. If I reach for her, she runs. As I’ve been watching this happen through the years, God began to speak to me. Chewy is like a lot of people that want to get …a little closer to God when the storm is raging. But they won’t let Him comfort them or touch them. They want God on their terms. They prefer to worry and shake instead of trusting Him! Sometimes we just need to curl up next to God and let Him cover us completely…like a warm blanket. And we need to stop that crazy shaking and worrying. I’m pretty sure we would call that a place of peace and trust.