Falling Through the Cracks

November 18, 2015 Off By shbcadmin

Amidst all the joy and holiday laughter it’s easy to forget that there are some people who can slip through the cracks unnoticed. For some people this is a lonely time of year. In James, it tells us about some who are in danger of needing help. It says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress”. Look around you. There are all kinds of hurting, lonely people. Some have lost a loved one, and whether it’s a spouse, a parent, a child, or a friend, the holidays just aren’t the same. It’s important that we remember them. And there are so many children who may not be orphans physically but emotionally they are desperate for love. Their parents are just too busy to care. Pay attention to those in your neighborhood, in the church, in the stores. Is there something you could do to brighten their world and let them know someone cares? What about people who aren’t in contact with their family or people who feel left out by those around them? Loneliness comes in lots of shapes and sizes but the results are the same. It’s a feeling of isolation and sadness. What can you do? Ask God. You might be surprised how easy it would be for you to change their world by one small act of kindness. Lend a helping hand, invite someone to dinner, take someone shopping, sit with a child and let him tell you about his favorite Christmas. You and I have been given the job of loving the world. And love always gives of it’s time, talent, energy and finances. What can you do to help someone this holiday season?