Facing Facts Lesson
It was the time of year to prepare for “Thanksgiving”; one of my favorite holidays. 2005 the 3 year anniversary after my stroke, anxiousness and weeping episodes crept in. Facing the fact that I cannot adequately keep up with the housework; hired a lady to clean twice per month. Facing the fact, unable to carry out the prep-work and partial cooking duties for family gatherings which I always loved to do for my family…to put the extra effort with little touches to make it festive. For the sake of my husband; succumbed to having my Thanksgiving meal put into very capable hands to prepare and cook! A “first” time for me! Menu ordered: turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes and fresh homemade cranberry salad. Family brought in dishes and desserts to help as always. Thinking I could manage a boxed hot roll mix (didn’t order them) to find out the only steps manageable (with one functional hand/arm) were mixing and kneading the dough; didn’t think about pinching the dough off! I tried…pinch…pulled…it stretched the length of my arm; (busted)…rather rescued by husband’s appearance. A mild reminder that he had instructed me to have them catered as well. More tears of discouragement on my part, more work and sweat for my dear husband. I won’t be doing that again! We even ate from “Chinette” paper plates! Yikes!!! The only “special” dinnerware use was the good stainless-steel ware…a “first” in our household history! We had long-distance phone calls with Thanksgiving wishes from those unable to come. We had the “nicest visit” with our son and family all evening! Very “special”, relaxed and fun! Isn’t that the way family gatherings are meant to be…with less fuss and more quality time with “thanksgiving”? Lesson learned: It’s about the relationship…of “being present” to gather together and giving thanks everyday…not just on a holiday named “Thanksgiving”!!! (Confession: I still love doing things for my family…in a different sort of way).
Blessings my friend, Gayle Harrell