December 14, 2017 Off By shbcadmin


This bears repeating: D-i-v-o-r-c-e! We sing about it, talk about it, judge it and choose sides. I know from experience how devastating divorce is without everybody around you having an opinion. Shattered people are just trying to get through the day moment by moment. Hurting people are wondering how they can make it financially and if they’ll ever find love again. What I would have given for someone to come alongside me with prayer and encouraging words. Someone who would have offered love instead of condemnation. If you know someone who is in the middle of the mess, tell them about a white haired gal who thought her life was over but instead found that Jesus was working all along. Let them know that they can make it even if it looks hopeless. And one more thing…let them know she’s praying for them right now.