Control Freaks Beware
To all of the control freaks out there (of which I might know something about)….Do you realize that we really can’t control anything at all? Not really! Our lives can turn on a dime, what you thought you had taken care of can fall apart in a heartbeat. With one hand we hold tightly to our planners, our notepads, our calendars and with the other hand we’re trying to climb onto the throne of our lives. You and I were never meant to have control. But we sure give it a good try. Let me ask you this question: how’s that working for ya’? God alone is the One who should be guiding our lives. He has plans and purposes greater than anything you could ever imagine. So whoa Nellie…let go of the reins and let God take you through this life one day at a time. You might just be amazed at what happens.