Take a Chance
God loves it when you take a chance, step out in faith and shoot for the moon. You know why? Because even if you miss it, you’ll still land among the stars. Let’s face it, too often we live below the place has God prepared for us. God believes in us…now it’s time to believe in ourselves.
Heart of God Never Changes
A lie doesn’t become the truth just because we don’t like the truth. Wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good, just because it is accepted by a majority. If we’re a Christian, we absolutely must base our opinions, our lifestyle and our voting power according to what God’s Word says. If you’ve read it, you are seeing the heart of God. It never changes.
Life is a Stage
I read somewhere that life is a stage and we are all players on that stage. If we believe that to be true, then we realize that nothing happens by accident and everything, even the most insignificant thing, has value and importance. In life, there’s no such thing as “dumb luck” or “accidental meetings” if you’re a child of God. He has each of us on a path…Pay attention to the places and situations you find yourself in and the people who cross your path. They are there for a reason.
They Don’t Understand
We can’t expect everyone to understand our journey, especially if they’ve never had to walk in our shoes. They don’t know the depth of the pain, the heartache, the times we’ve wept in the night. They don’t know how many times we’ve cried out for God to show us what to do. So the next time somebody makes a judgment call about how you live your life…remember, they just don’t know what you’re going through today and then pray they never have to!
Bigger Plan
God has a bigger plan for you than you have for yourself. We think way too small. If we can’t come up with a plan B, then we don’t think God can take care of plan A. God doesn’t need us and our back-up plan folks! He’ll do just fine by Himself. All we have to do is believe that God has so much more for us and He WILL bring it to pass.
Give it All You’ve Got
Have you had those times in life when everything seems overwhelming and you find yourself in a place where you just want to GIVE UP? Or maybe a friend or family member keeps pressuring you to do something you don’t want to do…they keep badgering you to GIVE IN. As we go along, we really all have 3 choices in life…Give up, Give in or Give it all you’ve got. If you give it all you’ve got you, will never give up and you’ll never give in. And you will be an overcomer!