Just Be Held
” Stop holding on and just be held”…those words can change our whole world. It takes us from the place where we have our fingers wrapped around every situation in life…trying to fix it, change it, always controlling it. And it takes us to a place where we can crawl up in the arms of God and rest. Let go and rest. Tonight, let Him rock you to sleep and tomorrow, let Him have the messes in your life. Stop just holding on and just be held! You’re going to find you love it!
One of a Kind
I love what David says in Psalm 139…” I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works;” Isn’t that an amazing thought. You and I are wonderfully made! God didn’t make a mistake when He created you. The one thing that drives your parents crazy just might turn out to be the one thing that God placed inside of you for “purpose”. As a little girl, my dad was constantly telling me to use my inside voice. I only had one voice and you could hear me all over the place. In later years, my voice turned out to be an asset. One Sunday I was preaching and my dad leaned over to my sister and said, I just love her loud voice. Boy…had times changed! We’re all created differently but all with a special purpose. Never focus on your weaknesses and your faults. God can make them your greatest assets! You are one of a kind, a limited edition! Do you know that Eleanor Roosevelt, a president’s wife once said “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”? It seems that we all have those moments when someone says or does something…
A Bed Named ” Word”
Think of all the blessings we miss by allowing ourselves to become too busy to spend time in God’s Word. Sometimes I think we’re a lot like a pastor I know who said he named his bed “Word”…so if someone asked where he was he could say “I was in the word” when he was really in bed! Now don’t go and name your bed “Word”. The point of this post is to get you OUT of your bed and into the real Word!
More of God
Years ago, I remember telling Jerry that I just wished I had more of God in my life. His answer wasn’t what I expected! He said, “Melissa, you have as much of God as you want right now”. Well, I thought about that and he was right. I SAID I wanted more, but honestly, I was the queen of procrastination when it came to God. I also had a list of excuses (I like to call them reasons) why I couldn’t spend time with God: Someday…when I have more time, when the kids are grown, when my job isn’t so demanding, when sport’s season is over, when I retire, when tomorrow gets here! Funny thing, tomorrow never came, but God did. I started to feel a stirring in my spirit. In Psalm 42, it says” As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” God was stirring a hunger and a thirst inside me that I couldn’t deny. Then I had a choice to make…stay in my “rut” or throw out my excuses and realize that I was the only one who could move God to the center of my life. I’d “added” Him on…
Missed Blessings!
Think of all the blessings we miss by allowing ourselves to become too busy to spend time in God’s Word. Sometimes I think we’re a lot like a pastor I know who said he named his bed “Word”…so if someone asked where he was he could say “I was in the word” when he was really in bed! Now don’t go and name your bed “Word”. The point of this post is to get you OUT of your bed and into the real Word!
Words We Speak
Today’s message has to do with the words we speak. Uh-oh! In Proverbs 18:21 it says:” Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” Words CREATE. You are today where you are because of choices you made and words you spoke. God wants to show you the POWER of right speaking and RIGHT believing. No wonder David prayed these words in the Bible: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” We’ve all experienced hateful words coming our direction. The Bible says that: “Life and death is in the power of the tongue”. If someone speaks hurtful words TO you or ABOUT you, those words are like a knife causing a breach or a break in your spirit. If you’re not aware that you’ve been “set up”, you will allow your emotions to take charge…rejection, hurt, anger, frustration, bitterness, and rage. When God created us, He created us to carry certain things in our lives like love, joy, peace, and righteousness. He did NOT intend for you to carry negative emotions like bitterness and anger, hatred and rejection. Your body tries to…