Pursue to Possess

“You can never possess what you’re unwilling to pursue”. (Mike Murdoch) Have you ever wanted something so badly that you just couldn’t get it out of your mind?! Unfortunately, that’s where it stayed…in your mind! It’s like losing weight. I can sit in a chair and WISH I was a size 6. I can drive by the gym and WISH I had a membership. I can talk about losing weight, think about it, dream about it but until I’m willing to chase after it, I will never see any changes in my life. This applies to every area of our lives.When I wanted to grow in my spiritual walk, I did something about it. I started going to every service I could get to, every Sunday School class, every women’s meeting, anything and everything that had to do with Jesus, I was there. And then I started getting study books by Kay Arthur, Joyce Meyers and Beth Moore and I continued to grow. I even took classes through Rhema Bible College and others along the way. The more I learned about God, the more I grew to love Him. Today, I’m still chasing after God. I’ll never be satisfied because I…

By shbcadmin October 3, 2015 Off

Ignore it!

I read somewhere that our success depends on what we are able to ignore! Have you ever decided to do something…let’s say clean the house…and you start with great gusto! But as you’re cleaning the tv, you happen to notice a show is on that you really like and it captures your attention for 10 minutes. Then you move on to a table top that holds a book, a letter, a note or a card. It captures your attention for who knows how long. Then you move on to vacuuming. But while you’re doing that, you happen to notice your tennis shoes by the door. You take them to the bedroom and notice the bed isn’t made. Sitting next to the bed is your fingernail polish so you stop and paint your nails after making the bed. Success at cleaning your house depends on what you are able to ignore. And that’s true for any job you tackle. That’s wisdom!!

By shbcadmin October 1, 2015 Off

Who’s on the Throne?

When we are self- centered we can’t be Christ-centered. There’s only one center! And there’s only one throne in that center. And we don’t belong on it! If we remember that, we’ll be just fine

By shbcadmin October 1, 2015 Off


 Life Changing Messages    Teaching on the Holy Spirit.  We will meet on Tuesday, June 11 at 6pm and Thursday, June 13 at 10 and 6pm. We will spread out our seating and have hand sanitizer. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, wear one. Otherwise, come without. Melissa Garrison, Pastor/Teacher    Terra Milner, Assistant If you need to contact me for any reason, day or night, text or call 618-599-9314.                        

By shbcadmin September 16, 2015 Off