Bored with Christianity?
Do you ever get bored with church or your spiritual life? The main reason people find themselves in that spot is that they have the knowledge of the Word of God but they haven’t applied it. Christianity isn’t just something we read about. It’s something we DO! If you want to get excited about your “walk with Jesus”, start living that Word on a daily basis.
What’s Your Focus
Your focus influences your feelings which will lead you to a decision…good or bad. Let’s say you’re on a diet. You walk into a restaurant full of good intentions and then it happens. The waitress goes by with a big plate of something that’s definitely NOT on your diet. You look at it, you think about it, you reason it out in your head that you will do better the NEXT meal and boom! Before you know it, the waitress is taking your order for it! What happened? You focused on the wrong thing. If you’re not ready to buy a puppy, don’t go looking. If a vehicle is out of the question, stay away from circling the car lot. If you want to grow spiritually, start focusing on it and you will find that Jesus has been waiting to show you some amazing things! Your focus will eventually determine the direction of your life.
Kingdom Focused
The apostle Paul was stoned and left for dead. But he didn’t ask the church to pray for the arthritis that was caused by the stones that broke his bones. When he was jailed, Paul didn’t say to the church…Pray for me. I’m in jail. They have whipped me. Instead, he asked them to pray that he would have boldness to speak God’s word! That was the very thing that got Paul in trouble in the first place! He was truly Kingdom focused instead of self- focused. What about you? How are you praying?
Practice to Perform
My sister used to coach a girls cross country team and one of the things she stressed was this: How you practice is how you will perform. That’s true in every area of our lives. I remember when God was teaching Joyce Meyers about the “little daily” things, He dealt with her about leaving her shopping cart in the parking lot instead of putting it where it belonged. Let’s face it, God is a God of order even when it comes to shopping carts. If we think we can slide by and do just enough, we’re not only selling the world short but we’re selling ourselves short. You and I were made to reflect the King of kings and the Lord of lords. If we show the world we do sloppy work, trust me…we will come to a messy end! The world is looking for someone who not only speaks about Jesus, but lives a life that reflects Him fully. So let’s get our running shoes on and step up our game! Excellence all the way!
Your LIfe, His Hands
How many times do you hear yourself saying “I just don’t understand”? Know this for sure: one day we will understand it all. But for now, it’s time to trust the God who holds our past, present and future in His hands. He has an amazing plan and its unfolding one day at a time!
Never Believe the Devil’s Lies
God has a plan for your life and Satan intends to do everything he can to stop that plan from taking shape. How does he do that? He does it one lie at a time. Lies that keep us from being all God intended us to be. He convinces us that we are worthless, helpless and hopeless. Those lies become our reality when we think about them, dwell on them and talk about them. Identify the lie and believe the promises of God. You were meant to be a mighty man or woman in the kingdom of Jesus Christ.