Missed Blessings!
Think of all the blessings we miss by allowing ourselves to become too busy to spend time in God’s Word. Sometimes I think we’re a lot like a pastor I know who said he named his bed “Word”…so if someone asked where he was he could say “I was in the word” when he was really in bed! Now don’t go and name your bed “Word”. The point of this post is to get you OUT of your bed and into the real Word!
Words We Speak
Today’s message has to do with the words we speak. Uh-oh! In Proverbs 18:21 it says:” Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” Words CREATE. You are today where you are because of choices you made and words you spoke. God wants to show you the POWER of right speaking and RIGHT believing. No wonder David prayed these words in the Bible: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” We’ve all experienced hateful words coming our direction. The Bible says that: “Life and death is in the power of the tongue”. If someone speaks hurtful words TO you or ABOUT you, those words are like a knife causing a breach or a break in your spirit. If you’re not aware that you’ve been “set up”, you will allow your emotions to take charge…rejection, hurt, anger, frustration, bitterness, and rage. When God created us, He created us to carry certain things in our lives like love, joy, peace, and righteousness. He did NOT intend for you to carry negative emotions like bitterness and anger, hatred and rejection. Your body tries to…
Giver or Taker??
Take a minute today and make a list of what you give and a list of what you take on a daily basis. Are you walking through life as a GIVER or a TAKER? One will keep you self-absorbed, the other will bring you more joy than your heart can contain!
Who are You Listening To
Have you ever thought about the three voices in the Garden of Eden? Voice #1 was God. And Adam and Eve heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden (Genesis 3:8) As long as there was ONE VOICE, life was as it should be. There was peace, unity, joy and love…all of creation was in sync with one another…the animals, the plants, the humans were all in harmony. Enter Voice #2, the voice of Satan. At that moment Adam and Eve had a choice. Who would they listen to? Voice #3 came into play when Eve spoke up and apparently convinced Adam this was a good plan! Voice #3 represents humanity…people! Isn’t it amazing how many times in our life we find ourselves in the same spot as the first family? It’s pretty easy to hear the enemy and it’s really easy to hear everybody else’s advice. Good grief! Most of our friends are as messed up as we are…they can hardly take care of themselves! God’s voice is quiet. That’s why we need to find a quiet spot each day just to sit in His presence. The Bible tells us to “Be still and know that I am God”.…
Hearing the Heart of God
The goal of prayer should be to hear the heart of God and then pray in agreement with Him. Sometimes we start off praying for one thing and all of a sudden we’ll hear ourselves praying for something totally different. Don’t panic! God just broke in and changed our vision. True breakthrough prayer happens when you and I connect with the heart of God and His vision for our lives and the world around us.
Who is on the Throne?
”I’m on the throne, you’re not alone.” Sometimes we just need to know that God is truly working in our lives knowing exactly which direction to take us. He knows where the minefields are and He knows how to take us safely home. Don’t panic if the road doesn’t look like you think it should. He knows what He’s doing!