Take Best, Leave Rest
When we gather together the experiences we’ve been through in life, we need to know what to leave behind and what to take with us! Hold on to the things that will help someone else in their journey. Realize how those experiences have made us who we are today And if any of those experiences make you feel badly about yourself or take you to a place that seems dark, THAT”S what you leave behind!
Hands Off!
Have you ever gotten to a place in your life where you’ve done everything you know to do? You’ve tried everything and everything has failed. The Bible tells us in Luke 4:18 that the Spirit of the Lord has equipped us to handle the problems of life. It says “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised”. When you team up with God your life changes. You no longer handle things on your own. You know that He has the answers. No matter what you’re going through, it’s never too late for God. Your job is to pry your fingers off the steering wheel of life, step away from the mess (you’re only making it worse) and let the Expert take over. I know that sounds easy but it’s not easy to put into practice. We have to trust that God is in control and He really does care about our lives and the people in them. He knows…
White House Honoring God
I want a White House that honors God, a White House that backs Israel, a White House that values the Bible. Is that too much to ask? We should be sick of being expected to be politically correct when it means we have to be “incorrect” with God! God give us wisdom in determining who YOU want in office.
Ready, Set, Go
Here’s a thought for you…Do you know what the first two letters in the word GOD spells? GO. Do you know what the first three letters in the word SATAN spells? SAT. When Jesus finished His work on earth, the Bible says in Mark 16:19 “So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.” He worked, then He sat. When you finish your work on earth, you can sit down too. Did you notice “Jesus went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him”. Have you ever thought about what you do every day? If Jesus’s focus was on people shouldn’t that be our focus? It’s really easy to get to the place where we’re so busy that we don’t see people anymore. Have you ever been in a restaurant or a Walmart check- out line and were so focused on getting in and out that you failed to see the face of the person who was waiting on you? That person may have been your ministry assignment for the day. Learn to look at people and…
Gluesticks not Chapstick!
“Perhaps we should use a glue stick instead of chapstick”. I’m pretty sure there are days we all need to reach for the glue…unfortunately, the words usually escape before the glue is applied! Just sayin’..Lord, help us to THINK before we SPEAK. And just to be a good citizen, you might want to carry a few extra in your pocket to hand out as needed.
Step by Step
Most people want to be successful at something! Unfortunately, whether it’s to be successful in their spiritual walk, with a diet or in a relationship, very few people really want to invest the time and effort it takes to get there and stay there! If it was all fun and games, everybody would jump in. God gives us some insight into this very thing in our spiritual walk. In Isaiah 28:10 it tells us that we learn “precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little” I’m one of those people that likes to get where I’m going in a hurry. No wasting time for me! You’d know that if you’ve ever been driving behind me flying down Main Street. But getting to where God wants us to be requires growing little by little. It’s kind of like climbing stairs. We may get winded along the way, but I figure that’s what the landings are for! We “land” there and catch our breath to ready ourselves for the rest of the climb. And here’s what else happens as we climb one step at a time. If we have…