How Do You Walk?

“How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great”. WALKING is so much more than putting one foot in front of the other. It’s listening, serving, encouraging, weeping, praying and anticipating the needs of those who are broken. The Bible says: “The steps of a man are ordered by the Lord.” Don’t be surprised if He has you come alongside the hurting. It’s exactly what He would do and aren’t we created in His image?

By shbcadmin November 17, 2015 Off

Hang in There!

When the kids tell the world you’re awful or your spouse treats you like a dog and is great to the rest of the world…when people lie behind your back just know that the truth will come out. Hang in there! God has seen it all and He has a way of balancing the scales!

By shbcadmin November 16, 2015 Off

Faith is Heaven’s Currency

In the world today, money is our currency. We exchange money for what we need or want. But what if you only have $100.00 and you really want to buy a house with it? Will you get the house if you offer them $100.00? NO! Faith is the currency of heaven. If you have much faith, you can have what you want and need. If you have little faith, you can’t receive what God has for you…the things you really need. Faith building starts one day at a time. Get in God’s word before you’re in the middle of a crisis and find you’re “short” on faith.

By shbcadmin November 14, 2015 Off

Falling Through the Cracks

Amidst all the joy and holiday laughter it’s easy to forget that there are some people who can slip through the cracks unnoticed. For some people this is a lonely time of year. In James, it tells us about some who are in danger of needing help. It says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress”. Look around you. There are all kinds of hurting, lonely people. Some have lost a loved one, and whether it’s a spouse, a parent, a child, or a friend, the holidays just aren’t the same. It’s important that we remember them. And there are so many children who may not be orphans physically but emotionally they are desperate for love. Their parents are just too busy to care. Pay attention to those in your neighborhood, in the church, in the stores. Is there something you could do to brighten their world and let them know someone cares? What about people who aren’t in contact with their family or people who feel left out by those around them? Loneliness comes in lots of shapes and sizes but the results are the…

By shbcadmin November 13, 2015 Off

Storms Ahead!

Every storm is not in the forecast! When I hear that a storm is on the way in the natural, I get done what I DON’T want to do in the rain and wind…fill up the car with gas, get groceries, and run errands. But what about when you get hit with an unexpected emotional storm and life turns you upside down!? It’s important never to be caught off guard. Keeping yourself in God’s Word, talking to Him daily, and reaching out to others will all help you when life tries to knock you off your feet. Planning ahead by anchoring yourself spiritually will take you through whatever comes your way.

By shbcadmin November 13, 2015 Off

Countdown to Christmas

The clock is ticking and we are in a countdown to Christmas! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a peaceful, quiet amazing Christmas this year? God’s Word tells us in Isaiah chapter 9…”For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace” I don’t know about you but I could really use the Prince of Peace in my life right now. This should be a wonderful time of year but it sometimes creates an unbelievable amount of stress. This might help. Write down what you absolutely have to do before Christmas. A huge weight will come off your shoulders when you quickly mark off the things on your list. Oh I forgot to tell you that at the top of the list write this: “He will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed (or anchored) on Him.” Once you get your list absolutely positively finished with nothing left to do, guard that “done” list. Anything that you add beyond the done list is a matter of choice. If it adds to…

By shbcadmin November 12, 2015 Off