Give Thanks

Whether you’re eating a huge Thanksgiving dinner that’s complete with everything from turkey to pumpkin pie or you’re eating your holiday dinner out of a bag, the thing you need to remember is the Thanksgiving part!! I try to settle down at some point during the holiday week and thank God for all that He’s done, for all that He’s doing and all He will do in the future. I’ve had times when I didn’t really like the season He had me in, but later, I realized that He guides our lives through difficult waters, impossible situations and emotional turmoil. And when I come out the other side, I’ve learned something important! This holiday, even if everything seems a mess, thank Him that He’s in the middle of that mess! God will change that mess very soon. Watch and see!

By shbcadmin November 20, 2015 Off

Too Pooped to Pop!

Tired people make mistakes, have short fuses and miss out on the joy of the holiday season. With Thanksgiving and Christmas in the near future, it’s time to take a look at our schedules! Even God rested on the 7th day and we were created in His image. We were created to rest! Do yourself and the world a favor! Slow down!!

By shbcadmin November 20, 2015 Off

Home and Family

If you watch the Hallmark channel, you know that home and family is front and center. Wonderful loving families all coming home for Christmas with tables full of all kinds of goodies and trees surrounded by bright shiny packages! Even the stockings are beautifully hung on the mantles with care. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? But not everybody has family with them this time of year. It may be because of physical distance but it could also be because of emotional distance. The Word of God tells us something important in Matthew 6. It says “ if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you”. I know one thing. It’s a lot easier to tell someone to forgive than it is to do it. Did you ever wonder why God was so serious about us forgiving others? We know that we’re to be like Him and He is more than willing to forgive but it’s so much more. He knows what it does to us personally. If we refuse to forgive, we are giving the enemy a foothold in our life. It’s a way the enemy uses to torment you on a daily…

By shbcadmin November 19, 2015 Off

Guard Your Thoughts

Thoughts beating you up? Mind spinning in circles? Tossing and turning at night? Yep, you’ve lost it! You’ve lost your peace. Life is too short to let your “mind” destroy your present and future. It’s time to re-focus. Whatsoever things are true, honorable, right, pure and lovely, think on these things AND the peace of God will stand guard over your mind. No more spinning in circles, no more tossing and turning…just peace.

By shbcadmin November 19, 2015 Off

Falling Through the Cracks

Amidst all the joy and holiday laughter it’s easy to forget that there are some people who can slip through the cracks unnoticed. For some people this is a lonely time of year. In James, it tells us about some who are in danger of needing help. It says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress”. Look around you. There are all kinds of hurting, lonely people. Some have lost a loved one, and whether it’s a spouse, a parent, a child, or a friend, the holidays just aren’t the same. It’s important that we remember them. And there are so many children who may not be orphans physically but emotionally they are desperate for love. Their parents are just too busy to care. Pay attention to those in your neighborhood, in the church, in the stores. Is there something you could do to brighten their world and let them know someone cares? What about people who aren’t in contact with their family or people who feel left out by those around them? Loneliness comes in lots of shapes and sizes but the results are the…

By shbcadmin November 18, 2015 Off

Power of Words

The “power of words” is amazing! One kind word, a sincere compliment gives us a week of smiles. One ugly word, one hateful comment shatters us for a long, long time. Our response to both is pretty predictable. We’re up or we’re down depending on what was said. Don’t let someone’s words determine your day. Never give someone that much power. Make your mind up that “ugly hateful” stuff is just going to roll off you like water off a duck’s back! You can’t control their words but you can control the effect they have on you.

By shbcadmin November 18, 2015 Off