God is Always There!
For several months I have followed the Facebook page of a young boy with a brain tumor. I witnessed this family experience great joy and overwhelming sadness. I have had the privilege of witnessing prayers being answered and thousands of lives being touched by this remarkable young man. Recently, his mother posted part of a conversation she had with him. She asked him if he was worried or scared. He replied back, “God is right here (putting his hand on the bed next to himself) and the angels are all up here singing (circling his hand above his head).” He said this statement with such a confidence and calm assurance that it brought a smile to his mother’s face. No matter what situation you are going through, God is right there with you. You can have the same confidence and calm assurance that this young boy has. God made a promise that He will never leave us, nor forsake, no matter what the trial or tribulation. When God makes a promise, nothing can ever make Him break it. (Jeremy Mitchell)
Be Like Jesus
Do you go out of your way to make others feel important, take time to lift their spirits, laugh with children? Are you someone who takes time to listen to the elderly, sit patiently with a loved one, or give someone a ride? How you make someone feel says a lot about you. Jesus never looked past the lonely, left the hungry without food, or walked past someone in need. He moved in compassion and love and we can do no less.
Zacchaeus in the Tree!
When I was little, we use to sing a song that had the lyrics, Zacchaeus was a wee little, and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see. I’ve read the story in the Bible numerous times. Every time I’ve read it, I always focused on the people involved-Zacchaeus and Jesus. I never gave a thought about the tree. Centuries before Zacchaeus was even born, God saw Zacchaeus’ need and that need was a tree. God planted that tree and then nurtured it over the years until the day it was needed. God” provided” the provision before Zacchaeus even knew he needed it. Whatever need you have today, take comfort in the knowledge that the same God who provided the tree for Zacchaeus is working on your behalf. (Jeremy Mitchell)
It’s Time to Go!
Paul Harvey once said, “Too many Christians are no longer fishers of men, but keepers of the aquarium.” Jesus gave a very clear directive in the Gospels. Jesus said, “Go!” This wasn’t a suggestion. This was a command, but far too often when God asks us to go we make an excuse. “I would love to go Lord, but I’m too old.” “I would love to go Lord, but I’m too young.” “I would love to go Lord, but I’m not smart enough.” A big “BUT” ALWAYS gets in the way. What you are actually saying is, “I would love to go Lord, but I don’t trust You.” If God calls you, He will equip you for the task ahead. If God says you’re qualified for the job, I don’t know of any higher qualification. The old hymn says, “’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus”. Where is God calling you to go? (Jeremy Mitchell)
What Impresses You?
What impresses you? The answer to that question reveals a lot about who you are, a lot about your character. Are you impressed with the things of this world…a big house, new car, eating at the finest restaurants, nice jewelry? Or are you impressed by the things of God? Simple question.
God Uses All Sizes
I was recently witness to a tow truck pulling a semi as it was stuck on the train tracks. It occurred to me that God uses the willing and the ones who walk in their purpose to help those who are supposedly strong and able. The tow truck wasn’t as big as that semi and the semi was carrying quite a load, but that big old truck needed the little truck’s help. The Lord Almighty says in Zechariah 4:6…not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit!! We can’t do things on our own. We can’t push through them expecting to see great results sometimes. We are mighty because of HIS spirit, not our own. (Sara Wylie)