Bring It All
Bring it all. Bring everything including worries, fears, and stresses. Jesus is not going to judge you for laying it all out there. Be as honest as you possibly can. Tell him everything. (Yes, even that!) Jesus isn’t like the people on this earth who have hurt you. Jesus isn’t the one who did that to you. Jesus didn’t come back down to earth to point fingers and cause you to feel shame and guilt. He came to rescue you from those things and those feelings that you think you can’t escape. Everything you think you can’t do, you can, but only with Him. It’s overwhelming for you and it’s overwhelming for me, but it’s not overwhelming for us when we meet Him carry the load as He directs our steps. (Sara Wylie)
Limitless Love
Make it a point in 2016 (not a resolution, mind you, those never go well) to hear from God each and every day. Be clear and specific in what you ask in prayer, because truly, that’s a surefire way to know it’s God when your prayer is answered. God doesn’t limit us because we are made in His image and guess what! He’s limitless! We are His children and He wants nothing more them to give us the most amazing gifts while we walk this earth. Don’t doubt His love for a second this year. God loves you today and always. (Sara Wylie)
Train Wreck!
”A train wreck waiting to happen”…yep, that’s what we’re looking at when somebody starts to seethe. You can see the face turn red, smoke come out of their ears and you and I both know he’s going to blow at any second. That train needs to be de-railed before it goes too far! If you happen to be the one who’s seething, stop and think, walk away and cool down, whatever it takes to stop the train!
God is a Giver
When life TAKES from you, remember that God is the One who GIVES you more than you could ever ask for. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him. I wonder what wonderful things He has planned for us this year?? Always remember that God’s gifts aren’t always what we expect, they don’t always look like what we think they should and sometimes we don’t think they really “fit”. God knows exactly what we need and “when” we need it!
Live in the Moment
Here’s a New Year’s Resolution for all of us: Live in the moment. Don’t let 2016 slide by in a blur. You know how quickly last year came and went. But in order to enjoy the little things, we have to make a conscious effort. Let this be the year we stop thinking about everything we have to do while others are talking. Let this be the year we stop getting upset when life takes us to an unexpected place. Let this be the year that we laugh more, love more and take joy in the little things.
Live with No Regrets!
The other day I caught myself thinking about all the ugly things that have gone wrong, not necessarily things that I personally have done (ok, those things too) but all the ugliness that could have been avoided in my life. Had I just listened the first time, I could’ve…Had I done this or that, instead of this or that….Did ya go there with me? Well snap out of it! We don’t have time for that, people! As the song says, we don’t have time to maintain regrets. We are called to think about what is good. God is good and we are not who we once were. We’re not even who we were last week! Stomp on the enemy’s toes each and every time he tries to get a foothold in your thought life….(Sara Wylie)