Time to Fight

When it’s time to fight, it’s time to fight. I want to encourage those today who feel as though they can’t fight anymore. They struggle to get out of bed in the morning, their bodies hurt, their minds are being tormented by things they wouldn’t dare utter top another soul. Stand up and say “Enough is enough.” God has given you authority over everything that you are facing and anything that is holding you back. Lift your hands to a holy God who loves you more than mere words could ever say. It’s all worth the fight. Don’t give up when you’re on the brink of a breakthrough. God has plans for you if you’ll just keep fighting. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin January 16, 2016 Off

Don’t Be Distracted

Don’t let the enemy distract you from God’s purpose and His plan for your life and others’ lives. No, we are not responsible for saving them, but it is our responsibility to point them to the One Who saved us. As children of the Most High God who are no longer on that path, don’t sleep this life away like you haven’t been freed. Like you haven’t been redeemed from a life with no life in it! Don’t be too busy to let Jesus Christ shine in, on, and through you. In Ephesians 5:14-15, we are called to wake up and assess what’s truly important. I feel like God is asking each of us if our lives are lining up with His priorities. Are our priorities His? Do our goals look the same? Will God be smiling when we reach those milestones? Are we chasing after His beautiful heart each and every day? Our days are gifts that He alone has blessed us with. We have to ask ourselves if we are about God’s business or our own. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin January 13, 2016 Off

Heaven on Earth

I saw a sign today that read: “Live like heaven is on earth.” I instantly thought, How are we supposed to do that?? We don’t have to look very far before we see poverty, loss, kids treated badly…the list goes on and on. So are we supposed to ignore the ugly stuff, floating along with our heads in the clouds while others suffer? I don’t think that’s what God had in mind. We pray asking God to remind us of just how temporary this suffering is, then remind others of this fact as well. This too shall pass. We could all use reminders that there’s still good around us….maybe even something that looks a whole lot like heaven. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin January 12, 2016 Off

Choose the Good

“There’s nothing in this world that can trouble you more than your thoughts.” Those thoughts can cause you to worry, become discouraged, raise your blood pressure along with your temper, and worst of all, live way below what God has planned for you. Time to ditch those thoughts and begin to think about Him and everything that is true, honest, right, pure and lovely. Good thoughts will take you good places!!

By shbcadmin January 10, 2016 Off

What Are You Scared Of?

There is nothing more paralyzing than fear. It stops us dead in our tracks.  Fear of the unknown, fear of things from your past, fear of tomorrow, fear of people, fear of speaking in  public (my personal favorite) J Fear of changing careers, fear of __________________ (add yours here)   Satan uses fear to keep us locked in a really small room inside our minds.   We can’t fully trust when we have “what if” running through our minds like a broken record.  We have to replace the enemy’s ever so convincing voice with the life giving, power filling, healing, victorious word of God. That is the ONLY thing that can and will break us free from those chains. When you can bring a Bible verse to mind that counteracts what Satan is trying to accomplish, you become stronger and stronger. His Word is life. It is truth and calm when things seem to be spiraling out of control. It’s like a breath when we feel like we are suffocating.  Memorizing some verses is SO IMPORTANT!! Don’t let anyone tell you that your fears are foolish.  If it matters to you, it matters to God.   God knows how real it is to…

By shbcadmin January 9, 2016 Off

Most High God

As I stood surrounded by the most  food I have ever seen at a recent event, I thought “I shouldn’t eat this because it was deep-fried,  and I can’t eat this because of the fat, but I can’t eat that because it has gluten, or definitely not this because of the sugar, and I can’t eat THAT because, well, it’s an Oreo.” As I stood there trying to figure out what I COULD put in my mouth to satisfy my hunger, it was as if God said: I am NOT a God of limitations. In that moment, I felt so limited, as I analyzed everything . Now I’m not giving you the ok to eat whatever you want,  but I will say that we serve a God who is all about abundance! Our God knows what we need before we even figure it out. So stop trying to figure it out! Don’t place too many restrictions on yourself or you’ll wood up in a place of guilt and condemnation. The Most High God has freed you from all that. So, if you’re feeling limited, restricted, guilty, and condemned, have a little talk with the God Who made you. And have…

By shbcadmin January 9, 2016 Off