Puzzling Pieces
Exodus 14:13 jumps out at me this morning. God saves us every single day. We don’t have to try on our own because we as His children get to hand it over to Him, like a puzzle that has too many pieces and no picture. He knows it where each piece fits, sees the big picture, and doesn’t worry Himself silly when a piece seems as though it’s missing. He puts everything together on our behalf. We can have a plan, and when it seems the pieces aren’t clicking, we get upset. He knows what He’s doing. If we can’t figure out where each piece belongs, maybe we’re supposed to sit back and watch as the Master makes everything fit. (Sara Wylie)
Light in the Darkness
Light in our darkness only brings more light, not more darkness. When we confess our issues and downfalls to one another (James 5:16), a light shines where one is needed. That light will illuminate your path, directing every step you take. And that much-needed light will shine on another’s path as well. Don’t underestimate God’s ability to use your weakness to show someone else the way to freedom. (Sara Wylie)
Neon Bows and Signs
I held the door open for a woman who was beautiful inside and out the other day. She had a bright green bow in her hair and about 80 some years behind her. She used a walker and as someone asked if she needed help navigating her way through the gym, she said loudly “Oh no! I’ll make it! We hafta make the best of what we’re given.” Even though I’ve heard that statement probably over a dozen times, it echoes and flashed in my mind like a neon sign. Am I using everything God gave me to the best of my ability and then some? My prayer today is for you to use all you can for God’s glory (Sara Wylie)
Only Through Him
This day and age we hear a lot about self-confidence and believing in ourselves. While we can’t walk around like Eeyore with our heads drooping to the floor, if we only have confidence in our own abilities, I’m not sure I believe I can do much. Some days I wake up and making coffee or catching up on dishes seems strenuous. As believers in the Most High God, we are to have full confidence in His abilities. We can indeed do all things, but don’t leave off the last part of Philippians 4:13: through Him Who gives me strength. It’s only “through Him” that we can have confidence and accomplish all kinds of things. (Sara Wylie)
The word overwhelmed has come into my brain about 18 times within the past 18 minutes. And my first thought was to say “Stop speaking that. You are not overwhelmed. You can do this!” And to be quite honest, I’m not in the mood for a pep talk or to be reminded of Philippians 4:13. And then just as clear as day, like he was whispering in my ear, I felt God say to me “Be overwhelmed by Me.” Even typing that, I get chills because I know His voice. And I am so, so thankful I do. We take the time out of our day to remember Who our God is, what He can do, how great He wants to be in our lives, then we have control of that feeling. We choose to be overwhelmed. (Sara Wylie)
Why oh why would it surprise me that I don’t know God’s plan? If I knew the plan, then it might be considered my plan. And whose plan is the best? You guessed it. It’s not mine. God always has the best plan-plans to prosper us, teach us, and plans to grow us up into adults wearing big girl and big boy pants like He intended all along. So we can get in a huff, and pout like a little toddler, (who, by the way, does NOT wear big girl or big boy pants) or we go about our work, take some breaths, wait, and watch as God’s plan unfolds. This is where trust comes in and we need to be about trusting him. (Sara Wylie)