Daily Benefit

Jesus doesn’t just save you once. He saves you from the pit of despair, from discouragement, from illness, from anything that attempts to exalt itself as higher than He is. That means when you’re discouraged, He can save you from it. Sick? That too. Don’t miss out on all the benefits God had to offer. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 11, 2016 Off

Number #1 Priority

Have you served God today? On our often-overwhelming list, it’s amazing how our number one priority often gets overlooked or pushed down to the bottom of the “to do.” We are His servants and a lot of times we don’t even make time to ASK him (much less DO) what He needs for us to do. Have you asked Him yet? What can we do to make that happen today? How much more abundant might life be if we took the time to serve? (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 11, 2016 Off

What are We Going to Do?

When the Elisha’s servant woke up in 2nd King 6:15-17, he did the same thing that I’ve been guilty of (about 6 times in the past week if we’re gonna get really honest): His feet hit the floor and he says “Oh my lord, what shall we do?” The situation, as he saw it, was overwhelming but the guy that he worked for knew exactly where his trust was. Elisha tells him: “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” If we can get that to inhabit our very beings, soul, mind, body, and spirit today, what could we possibly see out our window that’s too big for us to handle with God on our side? (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 10, 2016 Off

Rocks and Seeds

What do you do when your faith can’t move a rock? What do you do when your faith won’t move a piece of gravel that sits in front of you, staring you down? After I’m done pouting, I finally realize I just have to pray. I look to the heavens, remember where my help and faith come from, then get my praise on! One seed of faith is all it takes to move these mountains. And in the words of my kid’s favorite story, David and Goliath, in their children’s Bible: “You fight with a spear and sword, but I fight in the name of the Lord. And David knew how to move a rock or two. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 9, 2016 Off

God Walks Ahead

“Every strategy of the enemy is anticipated and divinely changed for good to fulfill God’s purposes. Even on the devil’s best day, he can only play into God’s hand.” God knows every trick, every scheme, every rotten thing the enemy has planned. And He’s already planning how to avert the next planned attack. Knowing that God is on guard 24/7 brings great comfort! Trusting God is easy when you KNOW that He is already walking ahead of you taking down the enemy at each turn.

By shbcadmin March 2, 2016 Off

Number One Priority

Have you served God today? On our often-overwhelming list, it’s amazing how our number one priority often gets overlooked or pushed down to the bottom of the “to do.” We are His servants and a lot of times we don’t even make time to ASK him (much less DO) what He needs for us to do. Have you asked Him today? Do your priorities line up with his? What can we do to make that happen today? Our life may look more abundant if we took the time to serve. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin February 29, 2016 Off