Put on Our Big Girl Panties!

I think we as believers have a tendency to cower shielding our heads and asking “What did I ever do to you?” when the enemy tries to beat us up with his tactics. When you feel this way, I want to encourage you to stand up and let the enemy know exactly what you’re going to do to him, exactly why he needs to be on the defense. We will not back down. We will not cower in fear, and we will not be defeated. Our God doesn’t lose.

By shbcadmin March 26, 2016 Off


Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Does the spirit of the Lord feel comfy in your life? We are worthy of His spirit because of what Jesus did for us. And what He can do through us remains boundless when we remember we are free. Free from limits and thoughts that have the potential to control our lives. That control belongs to the Creator Himself.  (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 18, 2016 Off

Feed Me!

I need to be fed. More. I need more of You God and less of others. This world is filled with others’ perspectives, thoughts, actions, and ideas. I can’t look to those for help today. I need You to fill me with You and nothing and no-one else. Quiet the noise of others as I seek Your face alone and Your plan today above all else. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 18, 2016 Off

Accomplishing Accomplishments

What if we get to just be us? I know there’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment with each, well, accomplishment, we…accomplish (ok, it’s just that kinda day) but what if we don’t have to today? What if we put our lists of who we need to be and what we’re striving for down and just be today? Breathe in…breathe out…God is good. And that’s what it’s all about. Accept that He loves you today exactly where you’re at. No more. No less. He loves you! (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 18, 2016 Off

God’s Working

  God’s working. Did you think He was taking a break? Pssst! He doesn’t do that. He doesn’t have to! Philippians 2:13 let’s us know that it’s Him who works in us to will and to act according to His good purpose. There is nothing that can happen that He’s not prepared for. Did you get that? He won’t be surprised. So know today that you can trust Him. Trust that He knows what He’s doing. Take a look around. He did a good job on everything else, right? (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 18, 2016 Off

Seasoned Speech

  Colossians 4:6 says: “Let our speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person”. This Scripture tells me that we are to 1) Speak to each other 2) Respond to each other. And God gives us the grace to do just that! I challenge you today to put down that phone, book, or dish you’re washing and season someone’s life by reminding them of who God made them to be. Don’t let a moment pass you by that God can use. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin March 13, 2016 Off