Let Go!
When God closes a door, keep your hands off the knob and quit jiggling it, stop trying to kick the door down, pounding on it with your fists. This may surprise you God just might be trying to move us to another door! All we have to do is let go….whether it’s a job, a person, or a thing….let it go. Some things are meant to be seasonal and some things are just bad for you! Listen to your heart and trust God to show you the way!
Fixers Be Gone!!
Do I have any “fixers” in the house today? Are you one of those people who just can’t seem to let God be God and you be you? It’s pretty easy to get in the middle of a situation so we can “help” someone or try to CHANGE that person into what WE think they should be. Fixers always seem to have a project going…so they meddle, manipulate, badger, beg, and threaten…oh, dear! Surely none of us would ever do something like that!! If you know someone like this, I give you permission to share this post! LOL!
Got a Little Monkey in You?
”Fight like you’re the third monkey trying to get on Noah’s ark”! When I read that saying, I have to admit, I laughed out loud! If I was that third monkey, this little white haired grandma would have been kicking, clawing and climbing over any and everything that stood between me and that ark!! You probably think I’m pretty passive, gentle, and laid back…NOT! You should see me when I fight tooth and toenail to keep my appointment with Jesus, to make sure I’m filling myself with His Word and to learn one new thing from Him every day! Don’t step in front of me or I’ll have to body slam you to the ground…in the name of Jesus and with love, of course!
Stop Chasing the Wrong Things
”When we stop chasing the wrong things, we give the right things a chance to catch us!” Powerful words. Ever chase the wrong things? My hand is up! Too many years wasted chasing things that weren’t good for me, things that wouldn’t get me or keep me on God’s path and basically those things did nothing but fill me with regret. Thank God, and I mean that, He opened my eyes, caused my hand to let go of the wrong things and changed my mind to realize what I was doing. Today, I have a whole different life! And one of the best things that God brought into my life was a man named Jerry Garrison. Don’t tell him! He’ll just tell me “he told me so!”
What’s Your Opinion?
Have you ever noticed that people have opinions about everything? We judge this and we judge that! Most of the time, we don’t realize what we’re doing. We even judge the Word of God. We decide whether we believe it… or not. We decide whether we agree with what God calls us to do…or not! And we decide whether it’s valuable enough for us to spend our time reading and His Word. What’s your opinion?
Word and Faith
Ever feel like you don’t have enough faith to blow dust off a bunny’s back?! Where does faith come from? The Scriptures say: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If we are low on faith, it’s because we’re low on Word. Your faith level is determined by your Word level!