Mistakes Happen
We are humans who make mistakes and live with many regrets and shame. The hope that God has for us is “Behold, I make all things new” Rev. 21:5. God can turn our regrets and shame into new things. The way to have all things new is to turn our regrets and shame over one at a time to allow Jesus to rebuild our lives with new things that only Jesus can do for us. (Sara Buchanan)
Second Hand Compliments
The other day Jane came to me with a second- hand compliment. Her friend, Betty, had been telling her something I had done and she shared it with Jane in glowing terms. And then Jane called and couldn’t wait to tell me! Let’s face it! It’s really great to hear a compliment from someone face to face but when you know they’ve told someone else something good…wow! That’s a day brightener. So your assignment this week is to tell one person something good about another person and watch what happens!
Living with Regret
Whatever you’re going through today, I want you to remind you of a verse in Psalm 118:24…”This is the day that the Lord has made: I will rejoice and be glad in it!” You may be thinking that it’s a little difficult to go around rejoicing when you just don’t feel like it. For some of you it’s difficult to praise God because you find yourself “dwelling” in a place of REGRET, always looking back and wishing you could change what you said, what you did, and the choices you made. Regret has a way of always messing up TODAY! It’s like a black cloud that hangs over us all the time. So…it’s time to move to a new dwelling place. You can’t change what happened. It’s done, finished, OVER! God has laid out this amazing day ahead of you. It’s full of all kinds of opportunities to grow, to laugh, to see the wonderful gifts that He has given you. Now you may be thinking that I don’t know what it’s like to regret something. Oh, yes I do. But I learned the hard way that if I stayed in that place and rehearsed the regrets over and over…
Pain Leads to Gain
No matter what we’re attempting to do, there will always be a point where it becomes unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful. It’s at this point, most people quit…just before the breakthrough comes. Stay the course, never give up, set your sail and keep moving forward. You may be minutes away from your victory!
Peace Wonderfyl Peace
Peace….there are people who would give all they had just to have peace in their life! Do you know that there is a peace that God can give you that is so amazing that no matter what is happening AROUND you, it’s not happening IN you? Chaos on the outside, peace on the inside! I love the scripture in the Bible that says “He will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed (or anchored) on Him.” Believe me, whatever you go through in life, it’s not worth getting angry, fussing with your family, walking in drama, or flying mad. The next time you get an “opportunity” to blow sky high and rant and rave, remember this thought… I REFUSE to lose my peace! It’s a great feeling to get a good night’s sleep, walk with a bounce in your step, and live in a state of peace and joy! And boy does the enemy hate to see that happen. It’s his goal to make you miserable. He will “rattle your cage”, doing anything and everything to get you to react. He usually uses those closest to you to do it too…I’m talking family and friends here…or other…
Yesterday is over!
Yesterday is a completed work. It can never be re-done. Rehearsing it, reliving it and mulling over the “what ifs” will only bring torment. Don’t dwell on what was but set your sights on what can be! Life is waiting, laid out before you, full of many treasures and just waiting for you to put your mark on it!