Lock That Door
We take the time to lock our doors so that we aren’t letting anything or anyone in that we don’t want in. Before we do that, let’s make sure we haven’t locked anything or anyone we don’t want in WITH us. Are there thoughts plaguing our tormenting you? Do you feel like you’re going crazy? This means the enemy of your soul is sitting right beside you as you close and lock the door. Is the enemy attacking you within your own home? I’ve got news for you: THAT’S NOT ALLOWED! He is under God and God does not allow him to do that. Kick him out! 2nd Corinthians 10:5 tells us to take those thoughts captive. Kick him out, then lock the door. (Sara Wylie)
Where the Wild Things Are
There’s a song out now about finding “me where the wild things are.” It’s a secular song, but it got me to wondering if Jesus would be found where the wild things are or if He’d be sitting in a “religious conference”with His hands folded, listening quietly, NOT making a peep. I’d you think He would be, I’m calling you out. Are you one of those quiet Christians? Make some noise! Say something wild like “Jesus saved me”! “God knows my name!” “Nothing can stop me today because of what God has done for me!” Let’s get wild, showing the world how radical our Savior really is. (Sara Wylie)
3D typically makes things come to life. The enemy also uses 3Ds to make his plans “come to life” so to speak. Distractions, disagreements, and discouragement within our lives and within the church wreak havoc on God’s plan. We can’t get too busy chasing after distractions or let something someone said to us create discord. And we certainly can’t spend our days wallowing in self-pity and discouragement so that we get nothing done. Use the Word of God (Sword of the Spirit) to slice those D’s to pieces. (Sara Wylie)
Reason for Success!
Successful people have one thing in common: They’ve developed the habit of doing what unsuccessful people aren’t willing to do. We can spend our life saying “I wish I was closer to God, I wish I could visit Israel, I wish I could climb a mountain”, but unless we’re willing to take a step towards those things, we might as well kiss those “wishes” goodbye. Want to get closer to God? Spend time in His Word, study, build a relationship with Him one day at a time. Want to visit another country or a place in the U.S.? Mark the calendar and start saving for it…one dollar at a time. What we want badly enough, we will find a way to get it!
Make Him Sweat
The enemy of our soul should be used to some heat by now, but I found out if you really want to see him sweat, all it takes is 3 words: It. Is. Written. These 3 words make the enemy shake in his possibly-red-and-black- boots. (They could be covered in faux flowers for all we know.) If we could visualize the enemy being scared because of who we are in Christ, how much more powerful would we be? If we took the time to remind ourselves of how God made us and how strong we are because of how strong He is, what would be too difficult? The answer is nothing. The answer is that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Know why? Because it is written. (Sara Wylie)
Mothers…All Kinds
Happy Mother’s Day! For some of you, those words bring a smile but for others, those words create a lot of negative emotions. Maybe you never had the privilege of having a kind and loving mother…or maybe you feel like you failed as a mom…or maybe you’ve lost a child, aborted a child or never had a child. So many women, so many emotions. Please guard your words today and have compassion for others. And if you’re one who is struggling today, know that I am praying for you and I’m sure others will joing me in this. Focus on the good memories you have in life and let the rest go. God is standing there waiting to help you. Reach out and take His hand and walk through this day together.