Think Uphill Thoughts
You can’t climb uphill thinking downhill thoughts. You heard me right. Our minds will always take us in the direction we’re believing for. If you’re constantly being a Negative Nellie, you might want to re-think what’s coming out of your mouth. What you’re hearing is what you’re believing. Your mouth is just speaking what’s buried in your heart and mind. What lie has the enemy embedded in your mind that you’re believing? I had to overcome some pretty big lies about who I was in order to change the things in my life that I didn’t like.
Mighty for a Reason
Never really understood what mighty to save meant. And I don’t think you truly can unless you need saving. I needed saving from addictions years back and mindsets that I just couldn’t shake on my own. But then God reminds us that He is mighty to save. There’s only 2 points to catch there but their poignancy hit me hard one day: 1. He’s mighty. 2. There’s a reason for it. He is mighty to save us. Don’t doubt for a second that you are not “saveable” or that He is not capable. THAT is the reason he is mighty. (Sara Wylie)
I pray that God makes himself so real to you today that there’s no denying that he exists in every blade of grass, and every white wisp of every cloud, and every breath that you take. I pray that every worry you have disintegrates at the very thought of the Creator. No weapon that is formed against you is going to prosper because you are a child of His. There is salvation and there is freedom from all of this junk that you’re dealing with. The battle is already won. You just have to accept the victory. (Sara Wylie)
Sandwich Generation
We are living in the “sandwich generation”. Many of you find yourselves caring for both parents and children/grandchildren. Unless you’ve been a care giver, you can’t imagine the drain it has both physically and emotionally. It takes a tremendous toll on a person. One of the things I’d like you to remember is this: Jesus loves you so much as He sees you pouring out, just like He did…walking with a servant’s heart, just like He did. Jesus had to separate Himself at times just to talk to His Father and “re-fuel”. We can do no less. When your strength and patience is wearing thin, God will supply your every need. Praying for you today.
Keep Walking
In the 23rd Psalm, it says: “Yea, though I WALK through the valley of the shadow of death”….Pay very close attention to the word “walk”. It didn’t say stop, and it didn’t say lay down or build a tent, it said just keep walking. Whatever you’re going through today, just lift your foot and keep walking. And in those times when you feel like you’re in a dark place and your strength is gone, remember the poem” Footprints in the Sand”. When you walk with Jesus, there are two sets of footprints but when you just can’t go any further, Jesus says: “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you…Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, it’s then that I carried you.” Rest in that thought today.
You’re so Vain
Remember the song sung by Carly Simon: “You’re so vain…you probably think this song is about you…..”? Have you ever had a time in your life where you were faced asking yourself that very question? “Am I vain”? Most likely…NOT! Because it’s not something most people really think about…unless you’re forced to…by someone or by something that brings it to our attention…right? Well…let me tell you a little story! “Once upon a time”…no this is not a fairy-tail! This is REAL life experience talking! We all like to look our best outwardly…and there is nothing wrong with that. We like to choose a hair style, clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and make-up…(right ladies)? Me too!! But…what if….(God forbid)…something happened that those “choices” were changed by circumstances beyond your control? Ask yourself…theoretically…how would I respond? Take a few moments to think about it. “Are you vain”? I was…(speaking as a stroke survivor). Didn’t like it one bit!!! But I faced the facts, admitted it, gave stuff away and got past it. Yes it took a while! A characteristic…the Lord helped me adapt to “change”! Because REAL beauty…so Scripture says…”comes from the inside…a gentle, quiet spirit”. That’s what I want…’el naturelle! Besides we…