Jesus Knows Best
Did you ever notice that there are certain people who always think they know what’s best for you? They give advice freely even when we don’t ask for it or want it! Nobody knows what’s best for us but Jesus Christ. He can see every one of our tomorrows and He alone has the exact path that keeps us in His will. Don’t feel guilty when you don’t accept free advice from friends and family. Jesus paid a great price to be able to lead you throughout this life.
If you’re counting someone else’s blessings MORE than you’re counting yours, jealousy is knocking at your door. Jealousy has a way of leaving us in a constant state of unrest. We want more than what we have and we become resentful if we don’t get it. Next comes the blame game. We blame God, our spouses, or our circumstances when we don’t get what we want and we are always wanting more. We truly need to repent! Paul said, “In whatsoever state I’m in, I am content!!” It’s a good way to live.
Root of Bitterness
When someone is constantly saying unkind, derogatory words about you, that’s a tell-tale sign that a bad seed is trying to take root in their spirit! The Bible says a root of bitterness springs up if people aren’t guarding their hearts…I know first-hand that ugly words hurt. But if anything, we need to feel sorry for the person who is spewing “junk” out their mouth and pray for them. They are miserable people. And that’s a whole lot worse than being talked about!
Fear or Faith
When we look at something that’s just ahead of us…something that we can’t “see” with the natural eye, we form opinions based on either fear or faith. Fear will bring with it an expectation of dread and negative speaking based on the lies of the enemy. Faith will cause you to expect the best and your words will follow your expectation which is based on the Word of God. Both will take you to a destination. It’s up to you which way it goes!!
Created for Rest
God understands the need for rest. If He didn’t, He wouldn’t have done it Himself. He didn’t create us to keep doing more and more and more, cramming more to do’s on to our list. You know the one that’s already full? He created us to do what He asked us to do and that looks different for every single human being. He created us to look with His eyes and His heart. There is nothing we can’t do because there is nothing He can’t do, but it’s all in His timing and it’s in an earthly body. Our bodies wear out and they need rest. Rest today knowing that God has this…whatever “this” may be (Matthew 11:28). (Sara Wylie)
You are a Survivor
For those of you who are survivors of any kind of abuse, the enemy will fill your minds with all kinds of negative emotions…guilt, shame, regret, anger, and unforgiveness. It’s important that you ask Jesus to go deep inside your heart and heal the hurt, stop the pain and start you on a new path full of life. Never just stuff it down and hope it goes away. Don’t let what happened back THEN determine your tomorrows! There is always hope in Christ. He is truly Jehovah Ropha…the God who heals.