Don’t Give Up
In the storms of life, if we keep going we won’t regret it. If we give up, we will. I wonder how many of us stop just short of seeing our victory. Regrets are a terrible thing to live with…I wish I had tried harder, talked to that person or listened more closely to God. It leaves so much unresolved. Never give up. You can do this. You can make the right decision, say the right things, walk through anything the devil throws in your path. And by faith, you will realize that victory is yours!
Love the One You’re With
”If we’re ignoring the people we love, we’re teaching them that they can live without us.” Uh-oh….the silent treatment, ignoring phone calls, not acknowledging someone’s presence…those will lead us to a place we don’t want to go. Too many of us are caught off guard when someone we love drifts away. We may not mean to ignore them…life just happens and we get too busy with other things. Enjoy the people you love!
Classroom of LIfe
God’s classroom is called LIFE. Everything that happens in our lives, both good and bad, shape us into His image IF we respond properly. Our greatest victories seem to come when we walk through the darkest valleys. It’s in those places that we either get bitter or we get better. It’s that simple. The choice belongs to us. God has shown us through His word that trusting Him when we can’t see Him is the only choice that works. And praise will flow out of that trust…never complaining. If you’re in that valley right now, trust your God. He has a plan.
Did I Miss it?
I know that You have a plan for me, God. Don’t let me miss it! Anyone else dealing with anxiety today? Or worse yet, NOT dealing with anxiety? Of course, I could quote Peter (5:7) but I’m not going to today. Just know that it’s in that Bible of yours. God didn’t make us worry-filled beings. It’s all His. Don’t keep picking it up and reloading it back on YOUR back! He said He’d take care of it and He is. Believe that today.
Please God
When we do our best to please God every day in every way, we will be walking exactly where He wants us to. We seem to think it’s our job to make everybody else happy. We’ve got our priorities mixed up! Trying to make everybody else happy leaves us miserable. It’s draining! Pleasing God leaves us empowered! I think about being on an airplane and the stewardesses saying: “In case of emergency, put the oxygen mask on you first and then tend to others.” Jesus is the air we breathe. Please Him and our lives will be right on track.
You are NOT a fixer!
You are not responsible for fixing everything that’s broken. Oh, I suppose it’s okay to fix the toaster, the broken pottery, or the necklace you’ve always loved. But it is NOT alright to fix people…ever! God knows the steps it will take to get each of us where He intends for us to be. He sends the Holy Spirit to work with us day by day. When we try to step in and help Him out, we make a big mess. Nope, it’s much better to keep our hands to ourselves.