
You don’t have to be alone to be lonely. You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely. It’s like living life on the outside just watching other people and their lives and wishing…just wishing you could be like them. Don’t put yourself down. You are an amazing person. The easiest way to feel a part of life is when you stop looking at yourself and start looking at others…reaching out and blessing others. In the process you’ll find joy in everyday living and the loneliness will fade.

By shbcadmin January 10, 2017 Off

You’ve Done Enough

Have you ever done everything you know to do to make things right in a relationship and it just isn’t enough? If you have, then you know that you’re left with a feeling of failure, regret and sadness. No more feeling guilty! It’s not your fault. Sometimes you can do everything right but the relationship was never meant to be. If you belong to God, He makes sure that the right people are in your life. So don’t blame yourself. Instead thank God that He closed one door in order to open another.

By shbcadmin January 9, 2017 Off

A True Friend

  It’s better to be a friend with two chins than to be one with two faces! What do YOU say when your friends aren’t with you and someone begins to speak unkindly about them? Do you listen quietly or do you set the record straight? To be a good friend takes work…24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Stand up for those you care about…and know this: Your one face and two chins look really good on you!

By shbcadmin January 7, 2017 Off

You are Unique

  God created you to be unique, one of a kind down to the fingerprints on your hand. Just like no two snowflakes are the same, you were meant to be different. So march to the beat of your own drummer! Don’t let the naysayers slow you down. Live life YOUR way, the way God created you to be. Laugh out loud, dance like no one’s watching, look at life through the eyes of a child, take time to smell the roses…this is YOUR life. Make it count! Enjoy your uniqueness because God sure does!

By shbcadmin January 4, 2017 Off

No Excuses!

  “If you really want to do something you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Ouch. Unfortunately it’s a lot easier to make excuses than to set a plan in motion to do something we’ve dreamed of. It requires discipline, prayer and a determination to persevere during the hard times and the good times no matter what. Keeping our eyes on the goal until one day, we see the thing we wanted to accomplish appear in our lives. What is it that you want to do in your life? No more excuses allowed! Go for it!

By shbcadmin January 3, 2017 Off

Broken People

God uses broken people like you and me, to rescue broken people like you and me! If we all waited till we got our lives “together”, when we had our ducks in a row…we’d never do anything for Jesus. If you’re broken in any way, shape or form, we serve a God who takes the things we’ve been through to help someone else to find their way out. So get busy watching for people who are going through what you went through. Show them what Jesus can do in their life!

By shbcadmin January 2, 2017 Off