No Regrets
”Never regret a day in your life: good days bring happiness, and the best days give us wonderful memories. The bad days give us experience, but the worst days teach us lessons. It’s in the worst of times that we grow spiritually. I guess that really makes it the best of times!”
No Worry…Steals Peace
”Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.” This is one of those times it’s really up to us whether we CHOOSE peace or we CHOOSE turmoil. Life is hard enough but when we don’t trust our days to the God of the universe, we will live life upset, full of worry and fear. That just makes life even harder! When you have an option, always choose peace. You’ll never be sorry.
You Got the Strength
From the moment you found Christ, you will never awaken to a morning where God has failed to give you the strength you need to walk through whatever you have to go through…ever! We measure our lives in years but God measures our lives in days…24 hour periods…strength for the day. Just like the manna that fell, God is pouring strength into the hearts of the believers because he knows the battles can be fierce and you can’t make it on your own.
Stop Beating Yourself Up
Stop beating yourself up! You didn’t mean to say the wrong thing, forget to do what you promised or hurt someone’s feelings. But it happened. You can’t change it or “make it better”. You tell them you’re sorry and that it wasn’t intentional. Now it’s up to them to forgive you. You will get one of two responses…the first one is the one we all want: Oh, it’s fine. We all make mistakes! The second one isn’t as nice: NO forgiveness and NO speaking to you ever again. If you get the second response, remember that you did what you could to fix it…the ball is in their court. Pray for them and let God touch their hearts. But in the meantime, stop beating yourself up!
God is For Us
In this world there are a lot of people who want to tell us what we can say and what we can’t. And God forbid, if we do something they don’t like…they will do everything they can to see us fail. And then they take it to the next level and gloat over that failure. The Word of God warns against this very thing. Love never wants to see others fall, nor does it do all ity can to make sure that happens. I don’t know about you but I am the daughter of a King who is not moved by the world. For my God is with me and goes before me. I do not fear what others may say or do because I am His. If God be for us, who can be against us?
Road of Life
On this road called life, we have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, and remember what we had. Always forgive, but never forget to learn from your mistakes. People come and go, they change, they can make us laugh or cry. Things go wrong in life. But just remember, the ride goes on. Even on those days you want to jump off the “crazy” ride, know that God is walking right beside you to get you through to the “other side”. That means each day can be special and joy filled in spite of circumstances.