Guard Those Words
Guard your words carefully and speak only if it improves the silence. That means every word must be kind, truthful and necessary. Sometimes we KNOW something that’s truth but before it comes out our mouth, we should examine them to see if they are necessary. Our words should build up and not tear down. Remember, once spoken, words can never be taken back.
”Unforgiveness is a very strategic plan created by Satan to outwit you, to cripple your effectiveness in prayer and your power to stand against him victoriously.” Look at unforgiveness for what it really is…it’s a trap! For every day we refuse to forgive, the spiritual battle shifts in Satan’s favor. But when we recognize that the enemy isn’t the person who “hurt” us, we can rise up and defeat him. When we forgive, the door to our prison is opened and we come out victorious! Satan knows that, so he stirs the unforgiveness in our hearts. Are you going to let him get away with it?
Words Can’t Be Taken Back
One thing we can never take back are words spoken in haste. The Bible tells us to place a guard on our mouths. I sometimes thing heavy duty duct tape would be an added precaution. A person in control of their mouth refuses to let hurtful, unkind words slip out. The next time we feel “word vomit” welling up inside, it would be wise to step away from the situation and breathe, just breathe. What a wonderful way to live your life…allowing only wise, kind and encouraging words to cross our mouth.
Bushel and a Peck
The quiet look of disapproval shouts loudly to the person on the receiving end. That “look” is meant to let you know that you said or did something that someone else didn’t approve of. It’s also meant to make you feel terrible about yourself. Any “look” that makes you feel badly about yourself isn’t from God…so ignore it and go on about your business. The only One you have to please in life is Him and He loves you a “bushel and a peck”
Stinkin Thinkin
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right! That’s why it’s so important to get rid of the lies in your head. We speak what we believe in our head! We can’t go by what we see with the natural eye. We have to go by what God says about us. He’s the only One who truly knows our true capabilities. He placed them within us! So, let’s get rid of the stinkin’ thinkin’ and speak our future!
Bloom Where You Are Planted
Plants have to push through a lot of dirt to bloom! Just remember that the next time you think your life looks pretty messy! Not to worry. You’re just fighting your way through the dirt. And when you get through it, you will amazed at how beautiful you can really be! God is the Master Gardner. Trust that He will bring good and one day, you will see the sunlight.