Be Kind
The highest form of giving is to give when it’s not returned. As the young nurse spoke, touched and encouraged the woman who had suffered a cerebral aneurysm, she was determined to treat this woman with respect even though she had no conscious control over her body, even though she was dying, even though she seemed to be totally unaware of the care. But one holiday, the nurse was asked to come in on her day off. It was then that she told the woman that she was so glad to see …her and was happy to come in on her day off to be with her. As the nurse looked at the patient, a tear ran down the patient’s cheek. It was the only sign given that she was aware of the kindness that had been shown her. Just a few days later, the woman passed away. Oh the joy of giving your love, your kindness, your everything when it can’t possibly be returned…just ask that nurse.