Author: shbcadmin

Get Ready to Climb!

  We live in a nation with a fast food mentality-I want it my way and quick. Many times this holds true when we face spiritual mountains like marriage troubles, financial difficulties, addiction, illness, grief. We want the mountain gone like yesterday. After all scripture tells us if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can tell a mountain to move and it will. Sometimes GOD says, “If you want to see the other side, you’re going to have to climb.” Just know before you take one step on your mountain climbing adventure, GOD has already walked the path ahead of you and is walking the path with you. Speaking from experience, when you reach the other side, you will find that you are stronger and a lot closer to GOD. Jeremy Mitchell

By shbcadmin June 14, 2016 Off

Head out of the Sand!

  Don’t stick your head in the sand! The issues you don’t tackle will tackle you, knock you off your feet, and blind side you when you’re not paying attention. Pretending that things don’t exist doesn’t make them go away. God will help us tackle anything that stands in the way of us becoming more like Him. He will fight our battles and He will deliver us from the hand of the enemy.

By shbcadmin June 13, 2016 Off

People Pleasers

We don’t admit it out loud but people pleasers are some of the most miserable people on the planet. We do things we don’t want to do, go places that don’t interest us and stay in wrong relationships! Why does this happen? We are trying to be everything to everybody and losing ourselves in the process! Our “niceness” (never saying no to anybody or anything) can slow down or stop us from reaching our destiny in Christ. He’s the only one we need to please and when we realize that, we will find out who we were created to be!

By shbcadmin June 11, 2016 Off

Build Yourself up!

  If you are the person who continually puts yourself down, listen up! We are all made in the image of God. He loves the person we are and He expects us to love ourselves the same way. We have a tendency to speak about all our flaws and weaknesses. The Bible tells us that we are overcomers! NO WHERE in the Word of God does God speak in agreement with what is coming out of our mouths. He knew you and me before the foundation of the earth and He loved us. What we speak acts like a GPS and it determines our destination. Start speaking truth over yourself according to what God says about you!

By shbcadmin June 10, 2016 Off

Random Thoughts??

Ever had thoughts that just “came” to you in the night and then you jot them down in the morning? I used to think these were random in nature back in 2009. Now I realize they were sweet reminders from the “Spirit” within. If I may share some thoughts of divine wisdom that “came” to me: 1. Don’t take the path of least resistance. 2. Make the most of every opportunity 3. Grow in faith and knowledge…LISTEN! 4. Pay attention to body, Spirit, Truth and Grace! Blessings…Gayle Harrell    

By shbcadmin June 9, 2016 Off


Guilty of overthinking? Are you going over conversations you’ve had with people and trying to second guess what they were REALLY saying? Do you rehearse words you’ve said and wonder if someone took it wrong? Stop it! You’re overthinking. This isn’t from God. Its insecurity and it’s fueled by Satan. Start speaking good things over yourself and forget what you THINK others might be speaking.

By shbcadmin June 9, 2016 Off