Author: shbcadmin

You’re so Vain

Remember the song sung by Carly Simon: “You’re so vain…you probably think this song is about you…..”? Have you ever had a time in your life where you were faced asking yourself that very question? “Am I vain”? Most likely…NOT! Because it’s not something most people really think about…unless you’re forced to…by someone or by something that brings it to our attention…right? Well…let me tell you a little story! “Once upon a time”…no this is not a fairy-tail! This is REAL life experience talking! We all like to look our best outwardly…and there is nothing wrong with that. We like to choose a hair style, clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and make-up…(right ladies)? Me too!! But…what if….(God forbid)…something happened that those “choices” were changed by circumstances beyond your control? Ask yourself…theoretically…how would I respond? Take a few moments to think about it. “Are you vain”? I was…(speaking as a stroke survivor). Didn’t like it one bit!!! But I faced the facts, admitted it, gave stuff away and got past it. Yes it took a while! A characteristic…the Lord helped me adapt to “change”! Because REAL beauty…so Scripture says…”comes from the inside…a gentle, quiet spirit”. That’s what I want…’el naturelle! Besides we…

By shbcadmin July 3, 2016 Off

Leave a Marker

  Because we have a tendency to forget the things God has already done, our eyes drift from one problem to another. If you want peace…I’m talking unconditional peace that sweeps over you like a river…its’ time to go back and remember. The Israelites left “markers” to remind them of God’s amazing goodness. What He’s done for you in the past is just a taste of what He wants to do for you today and in the future! No more looking at problems. It’s time to “turn your eyes upon Jesus…look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

By shbcadmin July 1, 2016 Off


There are many promises in the Bible. Most don’t require anything from us, but one of them in Chronicles 7:14 does. “If my people (that’s us!) who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” That is an amazing Scripture that involves a few to-do’s.   Realize we are His, called by Him.  Let down our guard. Don’t be proud.  Pray.  Look for God in everything.  Kick sin out of our lives.  Listen for our Father.  Then, He promises to fulfill His to-do:  Forgive us and every ugly thing we’ve ever done.  Heal our land. 

By shbcadmin June 25, 2016 Off

Fear Not

  If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 We are afraid of so many things. Everything from terrorists to bad hair days. What if we took that fear and do what David did? Look it right in the eye, possibly holding a rock, and say, “My God is bigger!” If we had everything we need to defeat our greatest fears (pssst…we do.) how much differently would we go about our short days on earth? We could treat people with respect, no matter what they choose to believe because God made them just like He created you. We could try new things like Thai food and ziplining. We could show the world what a life truly lived looks like; and we let Him shine through us in the process.   

By shbcadmin June 25, 2016 Off

Let’s Get Salty

“You are the salt of the earth”…so Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:13. Salt…a small or course grainy white substance that our bodies need to function internally. Let’s consider how salt is used:  a “drawing” agent i.e.; draws out infection, impurities and toxins. A “cleansing” agent…mmm…a little mild abrasive, an irritant to remove the uncleanliness. A “healing” agent to bond and strengthen. A “preserving” agent to prevent spoil and rotting. A “flavoring” agent that enhances flavor to nourishment we take in, it “draws” water (moisture) and “melts” snow in the cold of winter; as well as making one “thirst”. This translates….that we…as Jesus’ followers that we are to “draw” others to him by the “power” he invested in us as disciples; the “Holy Spirit”….“Come….follow me”!!! Once you get that “taste” of the Lord’s goodness…you will thirst and hunger for more…and more! COME…COME…just as you are! The “Light”; (referring to Matthew 5:14) and the “Salt” has the POWER to transform YOU…just as it has me…from the inside out! Just as fruit may not reveal the decay taking place around the seed to the outward appearance until much later. The fruit’s decay…rots… to a bad taste and is wastes away. Don’t let…

By shbcadmin June 25, 2016 Off

Get Rich God’s Way!

  “The worlds way of pursuing riches is grasping and hoarding but God says you attain his riches by letting go and giving.” When we read the word “riches”, we seem to think money and lots of it. Age teaches us that money isn’t the answer…it can’t keep you warm at night, won’t sit with you when you’re weeping, doesn’t care whether you succeed or fail. But GOD says: Let go and give. Give of yourself, your time, your finances, your laughter, your encouraging words and see what happens! If you ever lose everything, you will find that THINGS aren’t what make life worth living.

By shbcadmin June 20, 2016 Off