Author: shbcadmin

Being Strong

Being strong doesn’t mean you don’t cry. A strong person is the one who may cry and shed a few tears but then gets up and fights again. I’m not sure who needs to hear this today but I want you to know that God’s got this. He hasn’t left you “unattended”. Do you know the Bible says in Psalm 56:8 (New Living Translation) that God collects our tears in a bottle? It’s okay to cry just be sure you get back up and fight a little more when you’re done shedding those tears.

By shbcadmin January 29, 2018 Off

Wisdom and Courage

Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able to do it takes courage. Walking away from anything is difficult whether it’s a person, a relationship, abuse, a job, or a doughnut. If it was easy we would have done it a long time ago. But when you do get to the courage to turn and go, do it with your head held high! You, my friend, are an overcomer.

By shbcadmin January 25, 2018 Off

Below Us

”Whoever is trying to take you down is already below you.” I am shocked at people, both in the media and those walking down the street, that do their best to tear someone down. No forgiveness. No compassion….lets just all hate someone together! Dear God, what have we become when we gang up on people and do our best to destroy someone? It speaks volumes about us!

By shbcadmin January 20, 2018 Off

Nobody Knows!

  Nobody knows going on in the heart of another. You see, some things can’t be seen on the outside…the broken heart, the chronic pain, the devastating loss of a loved one or a pet, the sadness caused by addiction or the fear and worry that seems to go on forever. So cut other people some slack and maybe even say a little prayer when they seem to be “out of sorts”. We truly don’t know their heart but Jesus does.

By shbcadmin January 16, 2018 Off


Overthinking? Rehearsing what you said or did? Wondering if you made someone mad or embarrassed yourself? All that does is keep you swimming in guilt, shame and regret. That makes it miserable. Time to switch those thoughts. You can’t change anything by looking back….but you can change your future. Ask God to help you capture your negative thoughts. And remember who you are! You’re special my friend and you were created in the image of God.

By shbcadmin January 13, 2018 Off

Just Move Forward

    ”If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl”. But whatever you do…keep moving forward. Keep your eyes on what’s ahead. If you turn around, you will slow down. Remember this: Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Don’t measure your progress by tasks completed. Measure your progress by what you’re moving towards.

By shbcadmin January 11, 2018 Off