Author: shbcadmin

Love yourself

  This should be a LOVE post since this is Valentine’s day…but it’s a different kind of LOVE post. This is about loving yourself…the person God created you to be with all your faults and failures and quirks and wonderfulness. You were born to be an original. So, for Heaven’s sake, don’t die a copy. There’s nothing more beautiful than someone who realizes how great their uniqueness really is and then runs with it. God took great care in creating you with all your talents and one of a kind-ness! So LOVE you today…then you can love others that pass through your life.

By shbcadmin February 14, 2018 Off

No Regrets

  In the end, the only thing we will regret are the things we didn’t do. My dad had a favorite saying that stuck with me…don’t get to the end of your life and look back and realize you never took time to “live”. Of course, being a florist, he also loved to tell me to take time to smell the roses. I think he was right on both counts!

By shbcadmin February 8, 2018 Off

Smile Awhile

  If you run into someone without a smile, give them yours. It’s a pretty inexpensive gift and one size fits all! So go hand out all the smiles you can to all the people you can. They’ll love it…the gift that’s sure to please.

By shbcadmin February 7, 2018 Off

Four C’s

The 4 C’s in life are pretty important. What are they? Choice, Chance, Clutter and Change. Dealing with the first three will result in the fourth one. We have to make a choice to take a chance and get the clutter out of our lives if we want anything in our life to change. “The clutter I’m talking about isn’t just the stuff in your closet. It’s anything that gets between you and the life that you want to be living.”

By shbcadmin February 4, 2018 Off

Fall Down, Get Up

  Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice. So many times we see the “falling down” as our fault, our greatest failure. And we grab hold of the pain it causes and we SIT! The failure is not in falling down, it’s in staying down! So get up and move forward.

By shbcadmin January 31, 2018 Off

Hit Me with the Truth

In the long run, I’d rather someone hurt me with the truth than comfort me with a lie. Now nobody looks forward to the harsh truth, but if we never hear it, then we will spend our lives buried under Satan’ lies. We were meant to live free from those lies. There’s freedom in truth and bondage in lies.

By shbcadmin January 30, 2018 Off