Good Decisions
What we do today will resurface years down the road. Some people don’t seem to realize that every day they are building their character one decision at a time. Too often they seemed shocked at the way their life turned out. Check each decision and action as if it will affect your future…because it does.
Pick Your Thoughts
Let’s pick our thoughts today. You know, the ones that are worth our time and energy! A great man once said that our happiness in life depends upon the quality of our thoughts. I think he may be right!
Live Life with Gusto
Let’s make it a plan to live life to the fullest, love beyond measure and laugh from our toes up. We’ve been given a time released gift that covers 24 hours. What are you going to do with it? One more thing we need to remember: This gift will pass before you know it… and once it’s over, it can never be found again.
Value YOU!
Make sure you don’t start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you. There will always be those who don’t see the wonderful person you are….either because they’re jealous, insecure or full of unhappiness themselves. Know your worth even if they don’t. And most of all, hold onto it!
See What Develops
“Life is like a camera. You focus on what’s important, capture the good times. Develop from the negative and if things don’t work out take another shot!” Great words to live by. Focus on the important and capture the good times…grow stronger through the negative things that come into your life but ALWAYS get back up and take another shot! ALWAYS!
Let Them Talk
Don’t worry about people who talk about you behind your back. That’s why they’re behind you and not ahead. God knows the truth about who you are. And He also knows the heart of the one who is coming against you. So what do you do when people keep talking? The Bible says to pray for them! Let God continue to move you forward in your walk with Him…and let those people keep talking. They have no power to make you feel bad unless you let them.