Author: shbcadmin

Thank You God

“Thank you God for closing doors I’m not strong enough to close, and for opening doors I’m not strong enough to open.” This amazing God knows our strengths and our weaknesses. He knows when we’re standing on the edge of a decision but just can’t take the final step. Thank God, He sends His grace {His ability and power working in us when we don’t have the ability ourselves}.

By shbcadmin October 16, 2019 Off

You Need Strength

Stop venting and carrying on. You don’t NEED sympathy. You need strength and that will only come through prayer. Praying that today finds you stronger than yesterday and closer to Jesus than ever before.

By shbcadmin October 9, 2019 Off

You are Loved

You are loved, and you are going to be okay. Don’t listen to the lies in your head. It’s Satan’s job to tear you down, to make you feel foolish, lonely and unwanted. He is a liar. You’re listening to the wrong voices. The Holy Spirit will encourage you and lift you up…always letting you know how much you’re loved and wanted.

By shbcadmin October 7, 2019 Off

Walk Like You Mean It

  You don’t have to tell the world that you’re a Christian. When you walk like it, talk like it and believe it, then the whole world will know. A lion never has to tell you he’s a lion. He walks like it, roars like it and believes it. So walk the walk and talk the talk and show the world what a real man or woman of God looks like.

By shbcadmin October 6, 2019 Off

Blended Families

  There are so many blended families in this day and age. Some are filled with loving parents and some aren’t. Some fill their homes with laughter and love and others don’t. I know one thing: I respect “any man who can heal a heart he didn’t break and raise a child he didn’t make.” God bless each one of you who did that very thing or were the ones blessed by that man. I wouldn’t trade my blended family for anything in the world. They’re awesome!

By shbcadmin October 1, 2019 Off

Broken People, Broken Lives

Broken people, broken lives. For those of you who are exhausted from trying to hold it together, remember this. We’re all a little bit broken in one way or another. And some of us live life in black and white, never expecting to be whole again. But think about this: Even broken crayons can fill a page with glorious color. We need you. Don’t hide from life. Broken pieces are God’s specialty. And in His hands, your life can paint amazing pictures.

By shbcadmin September 30, 2019 Off