Author: shbcadmin

You’re a Star

  Ever find yourself in the middle of darkness….friends are gossiping, people are judging and operating with negative words…everywhere you turn, it seems like darkness. It’s time to change all that! When the gossip starts, walk away. When the judging starts, say something kind. When the negative words are flying in every direction, stay positive. In case you wonder why you’re stuck in this darkness, maybe God has you there for a reason. Stars can’t shine unless they’re surrounded by darkness. And stars can bring light to a pitch black sky. Think about it.

By shbcadmin April 4, 2018 Off


“Apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong and the other person is right. It means you value your relationship more than your ego”. Think about that… relationships are so important. And let’s face it, they have their ups and downs. Are you willing to be the better person? If not, you might find out you’re the bitter person. .

By shbcadmin April 3, 2018 Off

Everything Changes

  A year ago everything was different. You were different, circumstances were different. And now that you look back, you realize that a year can do a lot to a person. One day, you were healthy and full of life and a year later, you find yourself in the middle of sickness. One day, you were financially solid and a year later, you’re facing bankrupt. One day, you were surrounded by your loved ones and a year later, some of them are missing. It’s so important that we live in the moment and enjoy every day. Life is fragile and can turn on a dime. Thank God for what you have now and thank Him for walking you through both good times and hard times. And hold Romans 8:28 close to your heart.

By shbcadmin April 2, 2018 Off

Falling Apart

Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place. God’s perfect plan doesn’t always look good! As a matter of fact, His plan can look really bad and you can’t help but wonder what in the world is going on. Have you learned to TRUST Him even when your life doesn’t look like you want it to, even when everything around you is spinning and you seem to be losing your balance? Trusting God when everything looks like it’s falling apart is a great step in spiritual maturity. So stop worrying!!! God is always working for your good….every moment of every day.

By shbcadmin March 21, 2018 Off

Humpty Dumpty Whole Again

  If sometimes all you can do is lie in bed and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart, I want you to remember the fairy tale…”Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.” But I know someone who can. When you’re lying in your bed trying to push away the thoughts that crowd your mind, take a minute to talk to Father God. He’s already there, catching your tears in a bottle, encamping angels to guard you through the night, and dispatching the Holy Spirit to bring comfort, peace and healing. God’s got this!

By shbcadmin March 20, 2018 Off

Be a Glowstick

  “Its okay to be a glowstick. Sometimes we have to break before we shine”. Broken hearts take time to heal. And when you’re in the middle of the healing process, it’s hard to believe that life can ever be good again. Broken hearts come when we lose someone that’s precious to us…through death, divorce, failed relationships or friendships. It also comes when we lose some THING that’s precious to us…our health, our job, our home or our position in life. Know that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is working overtime to touch the broken places and bring you to that place where you can shine. Trust Him to take you so gently away from the pain…and to assure you that one day, you will shine again.

By shbcadmin March 19, 2018 Off