Give it All You’ve Got
Have you had those times in life when everything seems overwhelming and you find yourself in a place where you just want to GIVE UP? Or maybe a friend or family member keeps pressuring you to do something you don’t want to do…they keep badgering you to GIVE IN. As we go along, we really all have 3 choices in life…Give up, Give in or Give it all you’ve got. If you give it all you’ve got you, will never give up and you’ll never give in. And you will be an overcomer!
Devil Does’t have Dementia
The devil doesn’t have dementia. He doesn’t forget anything! Just when you start to forget about the mistakes you’ve made, or the failures you’ve had, the devil rears his ugly head to remind you of your past. Don’t buy into his ugly mouth. You are strong enough to know that you are NOT defined by those things in your past. You are a child of God and because of that, you might just want to remind Satan of his future as you command him to leave you alone in Jesus’ mighty name.
They are testing me!
” I’m trying to live right but Lord, they’re testing me!” Ever feel like that? You’re sailing along doing good and then boom! THEY show up and throw water on your parade. THEY have a way of cutting you to the bone, or THEY break your heart…again and THEY are jumping up and down on your last nerve. Never fear! Jesus is here! What THEY do does not have to determine what YOU do. Nobody can make you mad unless you allow it. Nobody can hurt you unless you let them do it. Nobody can rain on your parade when you’re holding a giant umbrella. Jesus has already equipped you to keep on walking when people get ugly. All you have to do is decide to walk in joy and peace and then keep those eyeballs on Jesus instead of THEM!
Don’t Be Used
Wicked people are everywhere. Oh, you can’t tell that by looking at the outside. But you’ll know them by their fruit…the way they act and the way they speak. Satan can talk just about anybody into doing anything he wants when they don’t have their heart set on Jesus. When I say that, I’m not talking about people who just go to church. Nope, church folk can fall into the devil’s trap just like the world. But if they have a strong relationship with Jesus, Satan can’t use them for his evil
Who You Are
“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return. Do it because of who you are”. When you walk with Jesus, He will place all kinds of people in your path…and they all need something from Him. Jesus will give you the words to say, the gift to give or the ear to hear. He has filled you with love, peace and joy…it’s time to share it with everyone you meet….even if they don’t want it or deserve it. Be who YOU were created to be.
Heal My Heart Lord
Sometimes we’re not angry, we’re hurt and there’s a big difference! How many times has someone said, “Why are you mad at me? You seem so angry all the time”. They don’t even know how deeply they hurt you. Sometimes they don’t even care. And no matter what you say won’t change the situation. This is where we need to ask God to heal our heart…don’t just think that hurt will go away. It will fester and bring you to a place of bitterness if you don’t deal with it. Just realize that people will always disappoint us at some point in our lives…they may say or do something that causes us pain. Let it go. You don’t want to relive those