Author: shbcadmin

The Real You

  If someone is talking about you behind your back, telling everyone how awful you are, then you need to know that all they are doing is revealing what kind of person THEY really are. Trust me, the people who really count, don’t listen to hateful, unkind words about someone else. Matter of fact, they most likely will jump in and defend YOU because they know the real you.

By shbcadmin June 6, 2018 Off


  Sometimes the truth is sometimes hard to swallow. But know this: ”The truth doesn’t change according to our ability to stomach it”…it is what it is. If two people are telling you a story and each is telling you something different, the truth is found somewhere in the middle. How do I know that? Because our “truth” depends on our perspective. That’s why we need God’s truth to give us the big picture

By shbcadmin June 5, 2018 Off

We Lie Too Much!

  According to statistics, we lie, on average, 3 times during a 10 minute conversation with a stranger or casual acquaintance. Yikes! I’m just guessing here but I’ll bet the lies are to make something funnier, to make us look better or to pass a rumor. A lie is a lie no matter why we do it.

By shbcadmin June 4, 2018 Off


I probably shouldn’t have to say this but don’t believe everything you think! You KNOW crazy thoughts fly through your head every few minutes. If somebody got caught in our head, it might scare the daylights out of ‘em! A word of wisdom is this…Just because you think it doesn’t mean you have to say it. THINK before you speak. If not, your mouth can fall open and “stupid” will sneak out before you can catch it!

By shbcadmin June 3, 2018 Off

Kind Words

  What kind of words are coming out of your mouth when you speak to loved ones? Do you know that all too often, we are more careful with what we say to strangers than what we speak to family members? Just remember this: ”When words become weapons, relationships become casualties”. Every day families fall apart because of words spoken in anger and rage, manipulation and guilt. Words that tear down destroy relationships. Ask yourself a question…is it worth losing a family member just to be able to say whatever you want? Wisdom says: hold your tongue!

By shbcadmin June 2, 2018 Off

Never Settle

  ”You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you know”. Hold that thought. You have been given everything you need by God to succeed. Let’s face it, you can take the world by storm! Never settle for less.

By shbcadmin June 1, 2018 Off