Author: shbcadmin

Can’t Love Too Much!

You can never love too much. Can’t do it no matter how hard you try! There’s always a place for love to land…in the heart of a child, in the grief of a widow, in the loneliness of a man. So love with all your heart, with all your being, with all you’ve got because there’s always someone waiting to receive it. And when you give love, you will find more love than you ever imagined.

By shbcadmin June 15, 2018 Off

Thinking Wrong

The first place we lose a battle is in our thinking. If you think this trial is going to last forever, then it will. If you think you can’t take one more step, then you won’t. It’s all about changing the way we think. Everything is temporary …everything that’s holding us back, every obstacle, every battle…so shake the lie out of your head and line it up with what God’s Word says!

By shbcadmin June 13, 2018 Off

Take Control

  There are billions of people on planet earth so why are you allowing one person who hurt you to “become your entire world”…They consume your thoughts, dictate your actions and even show up in your conversation. You may hate the way they used you and made you feel stupid but don’t’ let one person destroy your life. It’s time to “get over it”…there’s a big world full of people just waiting on you. Nobody should have that kind of control over your life.

By shbcadmin June 12, 2018 Off

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

  Stop beating yourself up over what you said or didn’t say…or what you did or didn’t’ do. Good grief! Some of us don’t wait for somebody else to beat us up…we do it ourselves. It reminds me when of my son was little and in the bathtub. I stepped out a minute to retrieve something and when I came back, water was all over the floor. And where was my son? Standing in the bathtub naked as a jay bird smacking himself over and over on the “behind” saying: It’s okay mom, I’ll take care of it!

By shbcadmin June 11, 2018 Off

Learn, Love and Look

  ”Learn from who you were: love who you are; and look forward to who you’ll become” (Jeannie Killian) That looks really good and it’s so true. But I couldn’t help but wonder how many people didn’t learn a thing from the hard things they went through and just grew bitter in the middle of the mess. And I wonder how many people truly love themselves…I think most only tolerate the person they are and will be quick to point out their flaws just to prove they really are unlovable. And I wonder how many people look forward to who they will be or dread the thought of the future where life could really take a downward turn. Personally, I’m loving the person I am and can’t wait to see where the Holy Spirit takes me on this journey of becoming more like Him.

By shbcadmin June 8, 2018 Off

True Love

”True love causes people to weather the storm together. One of them doesn’t wander off and look for shelter somewhere else.” So when the storm rages, hold on tight to the one you love and know you’ll be stronger when you get to the other side.

By shbcadmin June 7, 2018 Off